在职证明范本如下: X X 市X X X X 有 限 公 司 证 明 兹证明XXX先生(小姐/女士)出生于XXXX年XX月XX日,XXX先生(小姐/女士)是我公司在职人员,从XXXX年XX月XX日起在我公司任职至今,职位是XXXX部经理,薪酬为人民币XXXX元/月。 公司地址:XX市XXXX路XXX号XX大厦XX楼XXXX室 邮政编码:XXXXXX 上级主管领导:XXX先生(小姐/女士) 联系电话:XXX(区号)XXXXXXXX(固定电话号码) 特此证明! XX市XXXX有限公司 (上级主管领导签名) XXXX年XX月XX日 (加盖公章) 注意:单位在职证明书需要有公司抬头信笺纸打印 没有公司抬头纸或手写证明则须附上单位营业执照复印件 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 在职证明范本_英文版: (用加盖公章的公司抬头纸) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that XXX (客人姓名) is the XXX (职务) of our Company. And we permit that he/she has XX days holiday from XX (月份) to XX (月份) to go to XX (国家) for trip. During the journey, all the costs and accommodations will be paid by himself / herself. The salary of XXX (客人姓名) is XXX (工资数) RMB / per month. We hereby formally guarantee that he / she will abide by all outbound laws and regulations and will come back to China on time. His /her position will be held until he / she come back China. Yours sincerely, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (单位名称) Addr: XXXXXXXXXXXX (单位地址) Tel: XXX-XXXXXXXX (单位电话) (加盖公章) 负责人签字 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ba7eeb375a8102d276a22f19.html