英语精选作文合集:考证热之我见My View on Certificate Craze

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英语精选作文合集:考证热之我见My View on Certificate


When you are in college, you will find thatmost students are busy with preparing for all kinds of tests. When asked why, theywill say that they want to get more certificates. This kind of certificatecraze has caused peoples attention. Some argue that students shouldnt get somany certificates because these certificates stand for nothing. Some believethat those certificates will be helpful in the future job seeking since mostcompanies prefer to job seekers with certificates. In my opinion, certificatecraze is a bad phenomenon for certificate is a waste of money and time.

当你来到大学里,你会发现大部分的学生都忙于应付各种各样的考试。当你问他们为什么的时候,他们会说为了能够获得的证书。这种考证热已经引起了很多人的关注。一些人认为学生不应该考这么多的证因为这些证不能代表什么。一些人认为这些证书在以后找工作的过程中很有用,因为很多公司会选择有很多证的求职者。在我看来,考证热是一种不好的现象,考证会浪费我们的金钱和时间。 First of all, getting certificate can wasteyour time and money. We all know that if you want to get a certificate, thenyou should take lots of time to work on the relevant knowledge and


take certaintest to get the certificate and spend money to buy the books and pay for thetest fees.


Secondly, certificate stands for nothing. Whenyou pass a certain test, certificate proves that you pass the test, but nothingto do with your ability.

其次,证书代表不了任何东西。当你通过了某项测试的时候,证书仅仅代表你通过了这项测试,但是并不能代表你具备某项能力。 In conclusion, the certificate craze is notgood for people because certificate can waste our time and money and also itcant prove that we have the ability to do the relevant work. 总之,考证热对我们没有好处,不仅会浪费我们的时间和金钱,而且它也不能说明我们有能力去做某件事情。


