
时间:2022-08-02 14:05:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. I've never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 我过去从未过多考虑过我将来会如何死去,但死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择。

2.I only said it’d be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t wanna be.

我只是说如果我们不是朋友会好很多,但是那不代表我不想和你交朋友 3. I feel very protective of you. 我很想保护你。

4. I don’t have th strength to stay away from you anymore. 我再也无法控制自己远离你了。 Then don’t.

那就不要。5. But it’s you ,your scent, it’s like a drug to me. You’re like my personal brand of heroin.

但是你,你的气味,对我来说就像毒品一样。你就像我私人的海洛因一样 6. Only for making me want you so badly. 只有你才能让我如此上瘾。

7. I am only afraid of losing you. I feel you’re gonna disappear. 我唯一害怕的事情就是失去你,我感觉你就要消失了。

8. I was unconditionally and irrevacobly in love with him. 我不顾一切地爱上了他

9. Bella, you’re my life now. 贝拉,你现在就是我的生命。

10. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you safe again. 我会做任何事情以确保你的安全。 11. You’re in here because of me. 你是为了我而存在的。

12.Where else am I gonna go? 除了你身边,我还能去哪?

13. I dream about being with you forever. 我梦想能永远和你在一起。

14.Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?

跟我相伴长长的幸福的一生,难道这还不够吗? 15.I just couldn’t live

in a world where you don’t exist. 没有你的世界,我活着也没有意义。 16. Bella, you’re everything to me.、 贝拉,你就是我的一切

17. Bella, the only reason I left was because I thought I was protecting you.


18. I needed you to have a chance at a normal, happy life. 我想让你获得正常快乐的生活的机会。 19. It was so easy for you to leave. 你轻而易举地就离开了。

20. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in 100 years. 离开你是我在这一百年中所做过的最艰难的事。 21. I swear I’ll never fail you again. 我发誓我绝不会再让你失望。

22. He’s not gonna forgive me easily. Can you? I hope you can, ’cause I honestly don’t know how to live without you.

