有意义的暑假英语作文 One day during the summer vacation, my parents took me to the chengdu zoo. At the zoo, we are greeted by parrots who talk to people. "Hello, welcome!" Ah, speaking of standard mandarin. I went up to him and teased him, "Mr. Parrot, are you talking to me?" "It's me. Welcome. Have a nice day!" It really made me laugh. Come to the amphibious hall. There, we saw a ferocious crocodile, a grey, grey, and a little bit of a chicken, and the sharp teeth were like saws. There are venomous snakes and venomous snakes, and the most frightening thing about snakes is bamboo leaves. Bamboo leaf green is a kind of poisonous snake, distributed in Italy, China, Japan... I also saw the heavy elephant, the tame giraffe and the black and white zebra, all relaxed and free. The flamingo is very strange, the crown is black, the feather is black, the face is pink and runs very fast. Finally, there are sea lions, porcupines, lions and tigers. Lions and tigers are both powerful and brave. The sea lion was lovely, and swam about in the water with his beard. The porcupines must have been very rare, with a thorn in its face and a body like a pig, a little bit smaller, a kind of pig with a temper tantrum. Ah! I not only had a happy day, but also gained a lot of knowledge. 暑假的一天,爸爸妈妈带我去成都动物园玩。 到了动物园,迎接我们的是会跟人说话的鹦鹉。“您好,欢迎光临!”啊,讲的还是一口标准的普通话。我走过去逗它道:“鹦鹉先生,是你在给我说话吗?”“是我。欢迎光临,祝你愉快!”这下还真把我给逗乐了。 来到两栖馆。在那儿,我们看到的是凶猛的鳄鱼,是灰樵色的,一下了就可能吞下一只鸡,那锋利的牙齿如锯子一般。还有无毒蛇和剧毒蛇,蛇里最可怕的就要数竹叶青。竹叶青是一种剧毒蛇,分布在意大利、中国、日本…… 我还见到了笨重的大象、温驯的长颈鹿和周身黑白相间的斑马,它们都很悠闲、自由自在。火烈鸟非常奇特,冠是黑色的,羽毛也是黑色的,脸是粉红色,跑得很快。最后看到了海狮、豪猪、狮子和老虎。狮子和老虎都很威武、勇猛的。海狮很可爱,带着胡子在水中游来游去的。豪猪大家一定很少见过,它脸上长着刺,身体像一头猪,体型要小一点,是一种一惹就发脾气的猪。 啊!我那天不但过得很快乐,还增长了不少知识。 Time flies like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, the intense study life is over, the happy summer vacation begins. I am like a bird flying out of a cage, flying in the blue sky. Summer life is so colorful, especially that I still remember it. During the summer vacation, my mother and I went to the country grandma's house. Grandma had a little cat in her house. It was a very good companion for me, and we always chased and played together. I remember once when I saw my grandfather shaving in front of a mirror and his face was full of white flower foam, which was very interesting. A thought flashed through my mind: the little cat's beard was so long that I could have shaved it. So, while the whole family was away, I picked up my little cat and prepared to shave it. At first he was obedient, but then he screamed and screamed and struggled. I was angry and said to him, "you are a slob, you have a long beard, you don't know how to shave, you are so lazy!" I was so happy that I managed to shave my beard. But the little cat ran into the corner and was very quiet. After dad got home, I proudly told it, that cat's thought dad would praise me, I didn't think dad scold me a meal: "you little fool! Cat beard but help it catch mice, you beard shaved off it, it can't catch mice any longer!" I looked into the corner of the little cat, ashamed of the underground head. In retrospect, it was funny and angry. Summer vacation is really fun! 光阴似箭,日月如梭。转眼间,紧张的学习生活结束了,快乐的暑假开始了。我就像一只飞出囚笼的小鸟,翱翔在蔚蓝的天空中。暑假生活是那样丰富多彩,尤其是那件事,是我至今历历在目。 暑假时,我和妈妈去了乡下的奶奶家,奶奶家里养了一只小花猫,它是我十分要好的伙伴,我们一起追逐玩耍,总是形影不离。记得有一次,我看见爷爷在镜子前刮胡子,脸上挂满了白花花的泡沫,有趣极了。一个念头从我脑海中闪过:小花猫的胡子都那么长了,不如我来给它刮刮胡子吧!于是,我趁全家人都不在时,抱起小花猫准备给它刮胡子。开始它还挺听话,可是到了后来却又叫又嚷,拼死挣扎。我生气的对它说:“你这个大懒虫,胡子都那么长了,也不知道刮刮,真是懒死了!”我费了九牛二虎之力,终于帮它刮好了胡子,我得意极了。而小花猫却跑到角落里异常平静。爸爸回到家后,我得意地将小花猫的事告诉了它,本以为爸爸会表扬我一番,没想到爸爸却训斥了我一顿:“你这个小傻瓜!猫的胡子可是帮它捉老鼠的,你把它的胡子剃掉了,它就再也抓不到老鼠了!”我望着角落里的小花猫,惭愧的地下了头。 现在回想起来,这件事真是既好笑又可气。暑假生活真有趣! How I Spent My Summer Vacation Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement. 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/bc2c14e3ef630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da36997c4.html