秘密(The Secret)简介: The Secret is a best-selling 2006 New Age self-help and spirituality book written by Rhonda Byrne. A film based on the book was released shortly after the book in DVD format. The tenet of the book is that an individual's focused positive thinking can result in life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, happiness and more. The book achieved high sales after being featured in two episodes of Oprah, whereafter the book reached the top of the New York Times bestseller list and the film based on the book reached #1 on the sales charts on Amazon.com. The book has also reached a high level of notoriety and criticism from those who claim that the book misleads readers with its claims of positive thinking being able to influence a reader's life and real-world outcomes.在《秘密》这本集成功学、财富学、心理学等的著作中,作者揭露了运行在宇宙间主宰人生的强有力的黄金法则,清晰明了地解析了如何运用这个法则,创造美满幸福的生活。这是有关一切的秘密,这个秘密将给你想要的幸福、快乐、健康和爱情。《秘密》的构成来自当今成功者的智慧,他们都是各个领域世界级的领袖,他们都因运用这个秘密而获得健康、快乐、成功和声誉。 《秘密》是一本注定属于伟大的心灵励志书。本书作者朗达•拜恩是澳大利亚电视工作者,有一年,父亲突然去世、工作遭遇瓶颈、家庭关系也陷入僵局,就在人生跌至谷底、生活即将崩溃时,意外发现了隐藏在百年古书中的秘密。几个世纪以来,这个秘密零星地存在于各种口述的历史、文学、宗教与哲学之中,更藏在人与世界的各个互动层面,每个人自身都存在着自己所不知道的能量。作者还发现,许多当今的佼佼者早已了解并运用此秘密。因此,作者不禁疑问:“为什么不是每个人都知道呢?”于是,作者决心组织一个团队披露这个只有少数人才知道的秘密。她发现,洞悉这个秘密的人,他们都是各行各业的佼佼者,并且现身说法告诉你: 幸福、快乐、健康、金钱、人际关系,这个秘密都可能给你。了解这个秘密,你可能做到你想做的事。 在这个变化无常的大千世界里,我们终于找到了心灵的栖息之地。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/bcadf43701768e9951e79b89680203d8ce2f6ab5.html