马来亚大学课程FacultyofArtsandSocialScience List of Courses Offered For University of Malaya Student Exchange Programme (UMSEP) for the 2011/2012 Academic Session Semester I Semester II Special Semester ACEA1111Basic Techniques of Writing for The Arts and Social Sciences I 3√ ACEA1112Oral Skills 3ACEA2111Basic Techniques of Writing for The Arts and Social Sciences II 3√ACEA2113Grammar and Practice II 3√ACEA2115English in Advertising (E) 3√ ACEA2116Performance Strategies in Western Theatre 3ACEA2303Travel Literature (E)3√ ACEA3111Literature and Language 3ACEA3112History of Literature in English 3ACEA3115Children’s Literature (E)3√ ACEA3116World Literature 3ACEA3117English in Journalism 3ACEA1113Grammar and Practice I 3√ACEA1114 Selected Texts I 3√ACEA2112Background to English Literature 3√ACEA2114Selected Texts II 3√ACEA2309Creative Writing (E) 3√ACEA2310Malaysian and Singaporean Literature in English 3√ACEA2312Effective Writing (E) 3√ ACEA3113Critical Thinking and Writing 3ACEA3114Selected Texts III 3ACEA3118Women’s Literature 3ACEA3119Literature and Popular Culture (E)3√ ACEA3120Literature and The Environment 3ACEA1116The Elements Of English Literature 3√ACEA1117Research Methodology 3√ACEA2102Linguistics 3√ACEA2106Augustan Literature 3√ACEA3101Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama 3√ACEA1107Ways Of Reading Literature 3√ACEA310220th Century British Literature I 3√APEA2317Social Work Method 3√ANEA3201Integrated Water Resources Management (E)3√ACEA1115Pronunciation Skills in English (E)3√ACEA2304 Twentieth-Century Drama (E) 3 √ FACULTY OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES Course Code Topic Credit Hours Courses Offered Please tick ( ) where applicable ACEA3301Stylistics: (E)3√ATEA1104Asean: (E)3√ATEA1105Asean: (E)3√AYEA2323Culture (E)3√AYEA3325Economics Its Stylistics: Identity Organization and and An And And Introduction Development Administration Of in Kore Korea Society Social Issues (E)3√AAEA2326Chinese Popular Culture (E)3√AREA2318Urban Transportation (E)3√ALEA3329Biosociology and Behaviour (E)3√ADEA3332Urban (E)3√AUEA3305South Development Asia In In Southeast Asia (E)3√ACEA2313Literature Of Malaysia and Singapore In English International Relations (E)3√ATEA1106Lecture Series On Asean (E)3√AYEA2324Political Economy Of Korea (E)3√AYEA2344Modernization Process Of Korea Century (E)3√ACEA1108Exploring Genres3√ACEA210119th Literature English3√ACEA2107American 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/bde998f6d25abe23482fb4daa58da0116c171fc6.html