《英语 第一册(第二版)》试题库模拟测试卷及答案 (3)[4页]

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Key to Model Test 3

Part Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. W: How long have you been here in China?

M: I just came a week ago. I will be here for there more weeks. Q: When did the man come to China?

解析A。该题问的是男士什么时候来中国的。根据其回答I just came a week ago可知男士是在一周前来中国的。

2. M: Linda, do you work in the same office with Peter? W: No, I don’t. But we are on the same floor. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

解析D。该题为简单推理题。从选项中可以基本推断该题是有关LindaPeter关系的问题,听的时候就要注意有关这方面的词句。此题女士的回答是解题关键。男士问女士是否和Peter在同一间办公室办公,根据女士的回答No, I don’t可知LindaPeter在不同的办公室办公。

3. W: Shall we invite Tom over for dinner this weekend? M: No. He is now on the business trip. Q: What does the man mean?

解析B。该题为简单推理题。该题问的是男士说的话是什么意思。从选项中可以推断该题是与Tom有关。女士问我们要不要邀请Tom周末来参加晚宴。根据男士的回答He is now on the business trip可知Tom出差了,由此我们可以判断Tom不能来参加晚宴了。 4. M: Could I speak to Miss Green please? It’s from the Travel Agency.

W: Oh, sorry. She is not in the office. She called me out from the bank just now. Q: Where is Miss Green most probably now?

解析A。该题问的是格林小姐现在最有可能在什么地方。从选项中可以看出是关于地点的对话,所以听的时候就要注意有关地点的词句。根据女士的回答She called me out from the bank just now可知格林小姐最可能在银行。

5. W: We need three copies of this report. Shall I do the copying now? M: Don’t bother. I can do it myself. Thanks anyway. Q: What does the woman offer to do?

解析C。该题问的是女士主动提出干什么事。从选项可以推断和report有关。由女士的话Shall I do the copying now可知女士正在请示,是否要马上复印报告。 Section B

Conversation 1

W: Good afternoon sir. May I help you?

M: Good afternoon. We have got a reservation. W: May I know your name please?

M: Bill Anderson. That is A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N.

W: Just a minute please. Yes, four people for two weeks. Right? M: Yes. Where are the rooms?

W: One double room is on the third floor and two single rooms on the fourth. M: Can we go to our rooms now?


W: Please fill out a registration form first. We will send the suitcase to your room. M: All right.

6. How many rooms has the man booked?

解析C。该题问的是男士预定了几间房间。对话中女士的回答是关键。根据女士的回One double room is on the third floor and two single rooms on the fourth可知男士共预定了三件房间。

7. What does the woman ask the man to do?

解析B。该题问的是女士要求男士做什么事情。根据对话中女士的说话内容Please fill out a registration form first可知,女士要求男士先填写注册表格。 Conversation 2 M: Good morning.

W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes. Are there any tickets left for the Japanese concert on the 28th please? W: Sorry. The concert is on the 30th.

M: Really? I read about it in the paper today. I am sure it’s said the Japanese concert is on the 28th.

W: Oh, sorry. I have thought you said the jazz concert. The Japanese concert is on the 28th. There are only back seats left. M: That’s Ok. Can I have two please?

W: Yes. How would you like to pay for this? M: Cash. Here 60 pounds.

W: Thank you. And here are your tickets. M: Thanks.

8. What kind of ticket is the man going to buy?

解析B。该题问的是男士想买什么票。从选项中可以基本判断该题是有关tickets的题目,所以听的时候就要注意有关tickets的词句。根据男士在对话中问道Are there any tickets left for the Japanese concert可知,男士想买的是音乐会的票。 9. What kind of ticket is available?

解析B。该题问的是还可以买到什么样的票。根据女士的回答only back seats left知只能买到后面座位的票了。

10.How much does the man pay for the tickets?

解析D。该题问的是男士买票支付了多少钱。从选项中可以基本判断该题是有关价钱的题目,所以听的时候就要注意有关票价的词句。根据男士的回答Here 60 pounds可知男士支付了60英镑。 Section C

With the increasing use of the internet, it is becoming more and more common for people to work at home. There are sure to be many advantages to this. First, it saves time and money, normally spend on traveling. It also reduces pollution. In addition, you have the opportunity to choose when and how you work. It’s not necessary that everyone sticks to a nine-to-five working day. You can be your own boss. However, there are just isn’t enough human interaction if you only work at home. Real communication seems to be absent. Perhaps younger people don’t have this problem, as they can use online communication techniques. But employees who work at home seem to spend too much time online, trying to find people to meet face to face. In fact, most people are not able to


work just at home without meeting their colleagues face to face sometimes. 11. Why are more and more people able to work at home?

解析the Internet。根据提示信息以及关键词because of可知,该题是要求填写越来越多的人能够在家工作的原因。根据With the increasing use of the internet, it is becoming more and more common for people to work at home可知由于互联网的使用越来越多,所以越来越多的人在家工作。

12. What are the advantages of working at home?

解析boss。根据提示信息以及题干中的关键词advantages可知,该题要求填写的是在家工作的好处。根据短文内容You can be your own boss可以确定答案。 13.What is another advantage of working at home?

解析pollution根据提示信息中的关键词advantagereduces可知,该提要求填写在家工作的另一项好处,可以减少……。根据文中内容It also reduces pollution可知,在家工作可以减少污染。

14. What is the problem with working at home only?

解析human。根据提示信息中的关键词probleminteraction可知,该提要求填写的是在家工作存在的问题。根据文中内容isn’t enough human interaction可知,在家工作会缺乏与人的沟通和交流。

15. What conclusion can we draw about working at home from the passage?

解析face-to-face(sometimes)/sometimes。根据提示信息中的转折词but可知,在家工作变得越来越流行,但是存在着一些不利于它流行的因素。根据最后一句话most people are not able to work just at home without meeting their colleagues face to face sometimes可知,大部分人有时还是需要和同事面对面的交流。

Part Vocabulary & Structure

Section A

16-20 DAADB

21-25 DDCBC 27. come 32. should be

28. are derived 33. to call

29. was hurrying 30. traditional

34. rudeness 35. putting

Section B

26. are

31. engineer

Part III Reading Comprehension

36-40 DBDBD 41-45 CDACB

46.international 47. English Study Advisor 48. practice oral English 49. organize activities 50. during the interview

51. C, D 52. G, F 53. K , O 54. I, Q 55. M, B

A普通舱 B一等舱 C登机牌 D空中小姐 E上飞机 F直达 G起飞时间 H到达时间 I安全带 J 救生衣 K紧急出口 L换机 M行李认领处 N签证 O护照

P迫降 Q氧气面罩

56.security products 57. high technical education 58. professional digital security 59. new designs and features 60. second to none

