勃勃生机的意思是什么 勃勃生机的意思: 即生机勃勃,意思是形容生命力旺盛的样子。勃勃:旺盛的样子。生机:富有生命力的。 【拼音】shēng jī bó bó 【英译】full of vigour 【出处】张天民《创业》:“油田一片生机勃勃,繁忙兴旺的景象。” 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义。 【示例】我国的第三产业~,发展非常迅速 。 【近义词】勃勃生机、生意盎然、朝气蓬勃、生机盎然 【反义词】老气横秋、死气沉沉、回光返照、奄奄一息、萎靡不振。 中英例句 反病毒软件市场的大部分一直生机勃勃。 The anti virus software market for the most part has been a thriving one. 秋雨的到来,萧条的万物,突然又生机勃勃起来。 Autumn's arrival, depression of the things, suddenly full of vigour. 金星开始修改她所无法居住的自然外表,沸腾的大气,并且水星和外部的巨大气体在通过火山作用,行星的地震,和奇怪的北极和南极部位的改变经验着一个巨大的生机勃勃的成长。 Venus is beginning to modify the nature of her unlivable, boiling atmosphere, and mercury and the outer gas giants areexperiencing a great deal of exuberant growth in volcanism, planet quakes, and odd changes to their north and southpolar regions. 重庆市作为中国第四个直辖市,虽然地处西部,但是这几年发展迅速,生机勃勃,已经成为西部大开发战略的重点。 Chongqing municipality as a fourth, although located in the western, but in recent years has developed rapidly, thriving,and has become the focus of the western development strategy. 呵呵,墙角下,一些水泥缝里,石头缝里,顺着缝隙,歪歪斜斜地迸出了一些青青的小草,虽然弱小,却依旧生机勃勃,绽放着生命的炫美! Oh, the next corner, some cement joint, stones, along the gaps, rickety out some green grass, although small, but still fullof vigour, blooming life beauty! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/be3333d0a2c7aa00b52acfc789eb172ded63993d.html