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finish英语音标 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] [ˈfɪnɪʃ] finish的时态 过去分词: finished 过去式: finished 现在分词: finishing finish的意思 vt. 完成;结束;用完 vi. 结束,终止;终结 n. 结束;完美;回味(葡萄酒) finish的近义词 accomplish finish的词语辨析

attain, finish, accomplish, complete, achieveattain 达到,实现,常用于一般人的能力不易达到的目的。如Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goals.

finish 最常用,后接动词的-ing形式,表示在一个活动的连续过程中完成了最后的一步或阶段。如I’ll finish the job alone. (我要独自完成这项工作。)

accomplish 表成功,强调完成的结果而不是过程。如Because of his hard word, things are accomplished. (由于他的努力,事情都已完成了。)

complete 表示积极的完成,更具体地指建筑、工程等的完成。如Has he complete his novel yet? (他的小说写完了吗?)

achieve 完成,实现,强调通过努力而达到目的。如You will achieve success if you work hard.


finish line 终点线,终航线

finish with 完成,结束;与…断绝关系 surface finish []表面抛光 finish machining 精加工;完工切削

from start to finish 自始至终;从起点到终点 finish off 结束,完成;毁灭;吃完 smooth finish 光洁度 finish英语例句

1. Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.


2. They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy. 他们打算毫不留情地迅速结果了她。

3. The game took her less than an hour to finish. 她没用一个小时就拿下了这场比赛。

4. We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus. 我们感觉我们可能会获得第三名,要是能比这个名次更好那就是意外的惊喜了。

5. The Socialists may still finish ahead of the pack. 社会党最终仍可能会领先。

6. Her eyes flashed, but he held up a hand. "Let me finish." 她眼光一闪,但他举起一只手说“让我把话讲完。”

7. He's probably going to finish up in jail for business fraud. 他最后很可能会因为商业诈骗而入狱。

8. Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can burn easily.

