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laugh的第三人称单数: laughs laugh的用法:

laugh的用法1laugh的基本意思是“笑”“嘲笑”“以笑表示”,指某人因高兴、惊奇等而笑或指某人、某事让人觉得好笑,尤指出声地开怀大笑,重在笑出声,常伴有表情和动作。laugh作“笑”解时是不及物动词;作“笑着表示”解时是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。laugh可接同源宾语,该同源宾语前通常有形容词hearty, merry等修饰。

laugh的用法2laughawayoff〕连用,意为“以笑表示,笑来驱除…”;与at连用时用于贬义,表示“因…而笑”,也可表示“嘲笑”;接 about 表示“对…感到好笑而发笑”,接 over 表示“想到或谈到某事而发笑”。


1. He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing. 当我指责他说谎时,他大笑起来。

2. Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs, either. 中学生活也不是充满欢笑。 3. She laughs too much. 她笑得太多了。

4. The suppers are always a barrel of laughs. 晚餐总是充满欢笑。

5. "Yes," he laughs, cuddling up to Debbie. “是的,”他笑着紧挨黛比坐下。 6. It's a project she's doing for laughs. 这个项目是她图好玩儿才做的。

7. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.

当你笑时,整个世界同你一起欢笑, 当你哭泣时,却只有你一人独自悲哀.

8. He who laughs last laughs best. 最后笑的人笑得最开心.

9. The way he laughs jars on my nerves. 他大笑的样子使我有不愉快的感觉.

10. A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 只要问心无愧,旁人的指责可以一笑置之. 11. He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好.

12. "He hasn't become more boring has he?" she laughs. "No. Not in any way."

“他不会变得更烦人了吧?”她笑着问。“不,一点也没有。” 13. Weddington is the first to admit she's not exactly a barrel of laughs.


14. She laughs, blushes and twitters: "Oh, doesn't Giles have just the most charming sense of humour?"


15. When she laughs, she crinkles her perfectly-formed nose. 她一笑,俊俏的鼻子就会皱起来。
