bright的反义词和例句 bright释义:明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的。以下是店铺为大家整理了bright这个词的反义词和例句,以供参考。 bright的反义词: dark foolish bright的反义词例句: It's a dark and moonless night. 这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。 The baby had dark eyes and dark curls. 那婴孩长着深色的眼睛和深色的鬈发。 He ran against a lamp post in the dark. 在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。 Reading in the dark is bad for the eyes. 在暗处阅读封眼睛有害。 bright的英语例句: The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory. 泰姬陵在明亮的月光下显得光彩夺目。 He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights. 他在乡村长大,但後来觉得很喜欢繁华的都市生活。 He is not bright, but he always works hard. 他并不聪明,但工作总是勤勤恳恳。 What a nice bright day! 今天天气多晴朗! The guard blew his whistle,waved his bright green flag. 卫兵吹起哨,舞动起鲜艳的绿旗。 Foresight tells us that China has a bright future. 远瞻未来, 中国有着光明的前途。 The bright future is before us. 光明的未来就在我们前面。 Bright light spreads all over the room. 明亮的灯光照亮了屋中的每个角落。 The bright headlights were highlighting the way, and I found her favourite CD. 明亮的车灯照亮了道路,我终于找回了她最喜欢的那张CD盘。 The bright modern painting stares out at you in the otherwise conservativegallery. 有些古典派画廊也会陈列出明亮色彩的现代派绘画。 I fixed her hair like they do in the circus with the bright blanket across her backand a flower behind her ear. 我修理她的像他们的头发向后地横过她的在和明亮的毛毯马戏团中做和在她的耳朵后面的一朵花. I like the way you always look at the bright side. 你总是看到事物的光明面,我很欣赏这一点。 If you are bright, then China is not in the dark; but if you are indifferent, thenChina will be. 如果你聪明,那么中国就不会陷入黑暗,但如果你漠不关心,那么中国就会变成那样”。 At other times only part of it appears bright, and we always find that this is thepart which faces towards the sun, while the part facing away from the sunappears dark. 在其他一些时候,月亮的园盘只有一部分看起来觉得亮。我们总是发现这亮的部分是面向着太阳的、面背着太阳的那一部分看起来就黑暗。 Look on the bright side of life. 第四,多看生活中光明的一面。 I pray they survive, pray that they take my guidence so I can lead them into abright future instead of the dark path they are leading. 我祈求他们能活下来。祈求他们能够接受我的引导这样我能将他们引向光明的未来而不是他们正走向的黑暗小径。 This vividly describes the great potential and the bright prospect of thecooperation in the region. 这生动地展示着这一区域合作的巨大潜力和这一合作的光明前景。 本文来源: