4P营销理论案例分析——联想 1。产品方面。联想集团根据市场细分的原则,确定各地域消费者的需求,有针对性的研制开发了多种、多规格的电脑产品,以满足不同层次消费者的需要。其中包括广受好评的ThinkPad笔记本电脑和ThinkCentre台式机,此外,联想还为这些产品配备了ThinkVantage Technologies软件工具、ThinkVision显示器和一系列PC附件和选件。在我国,联想个人电脑市场份额超30%。凭借新技术,易用性、个性化的设计及多元化的解决方案而广受用户欢迎.联想还拥有针对我国市场的丰富产品线,包括移动手持设备、数码产品、外设和服务器等。 2。价格方面。联想产品一直以树立品牌和品质形象为定价原则。 联想公司正是依靠品牌的支持,才能在激烈的竞争中生存并发展。公司更愿牺牲短期利益来占领长远的市场,继而提升公司的美誉度和知名度,创立自己“低价高质”的口碑。消费者更为关注产品的价值,因此核心在于价值而不是价格. 联想在市场的认识上,一直实行的策略可以用一句通俗的话概括:“茅台酒的质量,二锅头的价格。”所有产品的核心问题都是能否被市场承认和接受,而价格和性能又是接受的条件。联想在国内外市场的成功也付出了一定的代价,既必须生产比发达国家好的产品,更要有比发达国家同类产品低的价格。 3.渠道方面。进行合理的价值链地理布局、渠道业务部门的完善是联想渠道战略成功的关键。将产品研发和产品市场销售两大环节,设置在香港这样的世界转口中心的关键地区,能使信息渠道更为畅通,市场也更趋国际化,公司技术和市场人员能及时有效的获得最新的技术和市场信息,全面把握最新动态,紧跟国际潮流。生产基地则设置在劳动力成本和房价都远低于香港的内陆地区,生产成本大大降低.另外,还同国内其他厂家发展委托加工的合作关系,既避免了大量投资与基建,又能在订货量增大时保证供应. 联想中国区渠道业务部门还筹建了名为“大联想事业部”的下属组织,以期提升合作伙伴收益,从而巩固其渠道体系。此部门的组建意在“提升大联想体系的整体竞争力和凝聚力,创造更大的生产力”,联想集团将其合作伙伴归入了大联想体系中。目前为此开展的工作包括面向合作伙伴的产品征集与项目合作。很多渠道有非常好的自主研发产品,如中小企业CRM管理软件、集团财务管理软件、电子教室、电子商务软件、电子城管等, 并有多年的运作管理和成功案例,大家都希望这些产品能被充分交流和分享,在大联想体系内得到复制,提升大联想体系的整体竞争力和凝聚力,创造更大的生产力。这是一种渠道策略的创新,但能否持久仍面临诸多挑战. 4。促销方面.“如果失去联想,人类将会怎样?”这是一个令人印象深刻的广告词。联想的促销总是将品牌与自身的企业形象宣传、产品推广、促销相结合,这不仅为联想带来了良好的经济效益,对其品牌宣传也产生了极好的社会效益。联想的成功,最重要的内应就是对我国国情的深刻理解以及对环境资源的充分利用。在电子信息行业,能很好的结合国情、产品定位、市场需求和品牌战略,制定行之有效的市场策划的,联想可谓无出其右。在广告上面的投入更是不断加大,甚至一些好莱坞大片中也看到了很多联想的身影。 综上,联想集团围绕4P开展了大规模的战略布局和规划,4P策略对于电子信息行业来说意义重大,只有重视和加强4P策略的分析和规划才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 4P marketing theory Case Study - Lenovo 1 。 Products。 Lenovo Group under the principles of market segmentation to determine the geographical consumer demand, has developed a variety of targeted , multi-standard computer products to meet the needs of consumers at different levels . Including the critically acclaimed ThinkPad notebooks and ThinkCentre desktops, in addition , Lenovo also equipped with ThinkVantage Technologies these products software tools , ThinkVision monitors and a range of PC accessories and options 。 In China, Lenovo's PC market share of over 30%. With the new technology , ease of use, personalized design and a wide range of solutions widely welcomed by users . Lenovo also has a rich market for our product line , including mobile handheld devices , digital products , peripherals and servers . 2 prices。 Lenovo products has been to establish a brand image and quality of pricing principles 。 Lenovo is relying on the brand’s support in order to survive and develop in the fierce competition。 Companies are more willing to sacrifice short—term interests to capture the long—term market , which in turn enhance the company’s reputation and visibility , to create their own "low quality” reputation. Consumers are more concerned about the value of the product , so that the core value rather than price 。 Lenovo in the understanding of the market, has implemented strategies can be summarized with one simple words : . " The quality of Maotai , Erguotou price" core issue is whether all the products to be recognized and accepted by the market , and the price and performance is acceptable conditions。 Lenovo’s success in the domestic market also paid a certain price, both must produce a good product than in developed countries , but also have lower prices than similar products in developed countries 。 3 channel areas . Reasonable value chain to improve the geographical distribution , channel business sector is key to the success of Lenovo’s channel strategy 。 The product marketing and product development are two aspects , set in key areas such as Hong Kong ’s re-export center in the world , enabling more channels of information flow , the market has become more international, technical and marketing personnel timely and effective access to the latest technical and market information, a comprehensive grasp of the latest developments, keep up with international trends. Production base is set in labor costs and prices are much lower than Hong Kong’s inland areas , production costs are significantly reduced. Also, with other domestic manufacturers to develop cooperative relations commission processing , both to avoid a lot of investment and infrastructure , but also to ensure the supply when ordering increases. Lenovo China to build a channel business sector also called ” big Lenovo Division ” affiliated organization in order to enhance the partnership income , thereby strengthening its channel system。 The formation of this division is intended to " enhance the overall competitiveness and cohesion big Lenovo system, creating greater productivity ,” Lenovo Group classified its partners a great association system. Work currently undertaken to this end , including solicitation for cooperative partner products and projects。 Many channels have a very good self—developed products, such as SME CRM management software, financial management software , electronic 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c312a60406a1b0717fd5360cba1aa81145318fa8.html