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Do you have a good work-life balance right now? Do you spend a good amount of your time working? Do you feel like you have a lot of things to do but you can't seem to finish them? Has it been a long time since you had a break or a vacation? 你现在能否平衡好生活与工作?是否花费相当的时间工作?是否感觉到手头似乎总有干不完的活儿?是不是你的上次休假已经过去很久了? If you answered yes to any of the questions, there's a good chance you're prone to burnout. That's especially so if (a) you're a workaholic or (b) you constantly receive (and accept) more work than you can handle. The upside is the increased work exposure helps you gain experience and develop your skills. The downside is, you neglect your mental well being, relationships, and health. Prolonged periods of working without rest wears you out, without you even realizing it. Before you know it, your productivity is waning, you feel tired more easily and you are on the verge of breakdown. 如果对以上任何一个问题回答了“是”,那么你很可能过于劳累了。如果你是个工作狂或者经常被委派(以及主动接受)超出个人能力的任务,情况更是如此了。积极的一面是,你可以增加工作阅历,积累经验,提升技能;消极的一面在于,忽视了自己的身心健康,对于人际关系也是疏于处理。长时间处于连续工作状态将会令你疲惫不堪,甚至都没有意识到自己已经精辟力尽。在你意识到这点之前,工作效率在下降,身体更易于疲惫,人体已经处于崩溃的边缘。 When that's happening, you're entering burnout mode. Burnout is common among working level executives, freelancers, self-employed, entrepreneurs and students, because you're directly responsible for everything and there are no work processes to guide you. Many people who are burned out for prolonged periods sink into depression which can be tough to deal with. 以上情形表明你的身体已经处于过于疲劳状态。度疲劳常见于经理人、自由职业者、企业家和学生群体,因为这些人群要对一切事务负责而又没有一定的工作流程对其予以指导。许多人因长时间过度疲劳而陷入抑郁,这是一个很难处理的问题。 Below are 7 essential steps to avoid burnout. What can be added to the list? 下面列出避免过度疲劳的七大基本步骤。你能否增加若干建议? 1. Plan a head Have a clear schedule. One of the biggest reasons for burnout is lack of proper planning. Thus, you over-commit yourself, sometimes having multiple deadlines running in the same time. This leads to late nights and high stress levels later on. 1.提前做好计划要有一个明确的安排。缺乏计划性是造成过度疲劳的一大原因。因此,如果你多线作战,势必会给自己过多的任务,这将逼迫你熬夜,并且带来压力。 Prepare a schedule that shows what you have to do on a monthly, weekly and daily basis. Create an overview template where you can see your upcoming commitments at a glance. That way, you know periods when your plate is full and periods when you can slot in more work. Leave sufficient lead time for each project. 制定出计划,明确列出每天、每周、每月必须完成的工作。制作一个任务总结板,让未来的工作任务一目了然。这样的话,你便可以了解到自己哪些时间很忙,哪些时间还可以安排更多的工作。记得给每个项目留出充足的时间。 2 Set aside non-work/leisure time Work can never replace what non-work activities can give you. For those of you who love what you do for a living, you probably just want to do it 100% of your time (apart of sleeping/eating). I know I feel that way as I absolutely love my work. I feel 110% blissful and excited just writing personal development articles day after day, working on my blog and doing 1-1 coaching with my clients. However, there are areas of your life that can't be fulfilled by just work alone. They can only be fulfilled by non-work activities. For example, activities like time with your loved ones such as family and friends. Time with yourself, to go for a quiet walk or pursue your other hobbies and interests. Exercise sessions where you rejuvenate your body and mind. Vacation to take a break and regroup. These activities are important, quadrant 2 tasks, essential for your well-being. They should be planned in your

schedule too and shouldn't be deprioritized for work. Set aside some time every week where you can work on your relationships, your health, recreation and your spiritual self. 2. 预留休息时间 工作永远取代不了休息带来的效用。那些热爱自己工作的人们可能想把所有的时间(除了吃饭睡觉之外)花在工作上。笔者极其热爱自己的工作,就想一心扑到工作中来。我每天撰写有关个人发展的文章,更新博客,为客户提供一对一指导,这令我感到百分之一百一十地幸福和兴奋。 然而,生活的很多部分不能够只靠工作来充实,而只能靠工作之外的活动来充实。例如,与家人朋友等心爱的人共享快乐时光,给自己一些时间静静地散步,或者花些时间在其他的兴趣爱好上。定期锻炼,以保持青春活力。可以休假来养精蓄锐。这些活动对你的健康幸福至关重要,应当将其排进计划表中,而不可被工作取代。每周留出一些时间陪陪家人朋友,关心一下自己身体健康,适度娱乐,丰富自我的精神世界。 3.Define clear expectations with others Often times your colleagues, manager or clients have sudden, last minute requests where they need your assistance. This ripples out and causes a backlog in your own work. Without enforcing your boundaries, these will keep happening in the future. Let them know your commitments at the on-start so all of you can plan accordingly. Of course, it'll be hard to enforce this 100% of the time especially if you're working for someone, but clear communication will help move there. You have your boundaries and it's up to you to enforce it. 3.明确他人对你的要求。 很多时候,你的同事、经理或者客户会在最后时刻要求你帮助,而这会耽误你按时完成自己分内的工作。如果你没有明确自己的职责范围,被要求帮忙的事情会持续发生。应该在一开始就明确自己的职责,以便据此制定计划。当然,很难百分之百依照计划行事,尤其当你在给别人打工的时候。但是,明确职责会有帮助。一旦有了职责范围,主动权就掌握在了自己手中。 4. Stop overworking. Have a clean cut off for work Set a clean cut-off for your work. If you set aside X-Y time for a project, then make sure you end at Y time. Don't let it seep into other items on your schedule. If a particular task is taking way longer than expected, you're probably not going to get much done with the extra hour or 2. Stop working on it and get back at a later time or tomorrow where you'll have a fresh mind. I know I'm a lot more productive when I do that. 4. 止过度工作。为工作设定时限。 为你的工作设定时限。假如你计划在X时间至Y时间从事某一项目,那么确保在Y时间停止工作。不要让这项工作影响到你计划中的其他工作。若一项工作所用时间超过预期,很可能再花上一两个小时也完不成太多的工作了。索性停下来,在晚些时候或者第二天头脑清醒的时候,继续该工作。我采用这个方式,效率会提高很多。 5. Cut off the 'busy work' There are always fire-fighting activities and administrative tasks in every line of work. Eliminate them as best as you can and get right to the content creation. What I do is I write down all the things I intend to do for a day, then I circle out the high value tasks - 20% tasks on the list that give me 80% of the value. Then I focus on them for the day. As for the remaining 80% tasks that give me lower value, I either put them off, delegate them or outsource them. When I do this, I feel I accomplished a lot more in the day. Otherwise, I get stuck in the 80% tasks that give little rewards, which is highly unproductive. 5.停止忙碌的工作 在每天的工作中总是有许多的消防活动和行政管理任务.排除他们的最好办法是你可以正确的满足他们的生产要求。我写下来的所有的我计划做得事情是我这一天里需要做的,然后我会以这些高价值的任务为中心选择清单上的20%来做,他们会给我80%的价值,然后把他们集中到一天里。而剩余的80%的任务给我较少的价值,我会选择推迟转手或者外包他们。当我做这些的时候,我感觉我在这一天里完成了许多。另一方面,我会从其他的80%的任务里得到少许的回报,这并不是没有收益的6. Talk to someone 6.跟其他人交谈 Having a listening ear helps you to sort out mental clutter. If you're feeling overwhelmed, share it with your friend. Ask him/her out and have a chill out session over drinks. Or give him/her a ring and just

chat on the phone. You don't have to be alone in this. You'll be surprised at how ready your friends will be to listen and be there for you. You can also talk to fellow colleagues, and even your manager/teacher if you need advice from someone of experience. 有一个忠实的听众可以帮你分析精神上的凌乱,如果你感觉不安,告诉对你的朋友。把他/她叫出来进行一个就后的冷静谈话,或者是仅仅给他/她打一个电话在电话里向他们倾诉。不需要太长的时间,你会惊喜的发现你的朋友是多么的乐意听你诉说。你也可以说给你的同事同伴们听,如果你需要从他人的经验里得到建议你可以向任何人倾诉甚至是你的老板或是老师 4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle Working under crunch deadlines, you might often forgo sleep to get work done. At first it seems like it's okay - you can just recoup lost sleep by sleeping more the next day. However, the impact of lost sleep piles up over time, to a stage when it weighs heavily on you. Don't take your health for granted. Please make sure you sleep at least 5 hours every day. Having a proper diet and exercise regime is very important too. I used to take my health for granted, easily having days of not sleeping when I have a project deadline/workshop the next day. Now I don't do that anymore because I realize it takes a toil on the health in the long run. Proper scheduling (Step #1) is important to make this step a success. 7.保持健康的生活方式 为了赶时间而工作,你可能会牺牲睡眠以确保完成工作。一开始,似乎还没有问题——你可以第二天多睡一会儿把睡眠补上。然而,长此以往,缺乏睡眠将对身体造成较大的负面影响。 不要认为健康是理所当然的。应确保每天至少睡五小时。饮食健康和积极锻炼也非常重要。我以前认为健康是理所当然的,如果第二天要完成一个项目或者有一个研讨会,我经常几天不睡觉。现在我改了,因为我意识到长此以往,你会付出健康的代价。制定合理的计划(第一步)对于确保这一步的成功至关重要。 How about you? 你呢? Try the 7 steps above to avoid burnout. Do you have any personal experiences with avoiding burnout or dealing with burnout? Feel free to share in the comments area. 请试一下以上七大步,以避免过度疲劳。你对于应对过度疲劳有没有一些个人高招?请在下面的评论区域自由分享。 Written on 10/7/2010 by Celestine Chua. Celestine writes at The Personal Excellence Blog, where she shares her best advice on how to achieve personal excellence and live your best life. Get her RSS feed directly and add her on ******************************************,youwillenjoyoneofhertoparticles:101ThingsTo Do Before You Die.
