Nov.25.2016 Statement of Employment and Income 在职及收入证明 This is to certify that Mrs.Zhang Meimei born on 18.2.1971, has been working in our company since 06.2004. She is now in position of Egineer, her annual income (including salary, bonus, subsidy, etc.) is RMB 123456.78 yuan after tax. 兹证明张梅梅,女,出生日期1971年2月18日,自2004年6月起在我单位工作,职务工程师,税后年薪(包括工资、奖金、补贴等)为人民币123456.78元。 Sincerely yours. 特此证明 Telephone:1234-5678909 联系电话:1234-5678909 XXXXXXXX 某某某公司 本文来源: