[英文句子]浪漫的英语情话 浪漫的英语情话 1、There is something going on deep within my heart. A strange feeling that I don't seem to understand. I don't really know why you are always on my mind every now and then. Every time you are near, I just don't know what to do. When you start to talk, I hardly find a word to say...it's like I’m out of breath. My heart beats so fast. 我的心里爱的种子早已生根发芽,那种陌生却熟悉,是只可意会不可言传的。原谅我第一次爱上一个人,所以当你的音容笑貌不断地出现在我的脑海时,我好像还弄不明白为什么会是这样的。那种面对着心爱的人只会屏息凝神地关注她,每当她有一些小动作或者说几句话时便心跳加速到不能自己,我终于明白是有多幸福了。心跳的感觉,爱,妙不可言。 2、I feel so lifted each time you're around. So much beauty surrounds me every time you smile. It’s like you are everything...and I really think, I have fallen for you. I love you. 你知道么,当你在我身边出现时,我都有些飘飘然了。看着你的微笑,我的嘴角会跟着上扬,视线总是围绕着你,一刻也不愿意离开,仿佛,你已经成为了我的一切,我爱上你了,我知道,深深的爱着。 3、I hope and wish you felt the same way too. How I wish we could be together one day but if it would be far from happening, if love would not give a way for us because all you wanted from me is only my friendship, it’s just okay for me. 我内心期盼着你也有着和我一样的感受,我多么的希望有那么一天,当然是越快越好,我们能走在一起,那种关乎于爱情的陪伴,当然如果我们之间无法以爱情的方式联系在一起,你只是把我当成是最好的朋友,我想我也会接受的吧,虽然会很遗憾。 4、I will still love you no matter what. However, if you feel the same way too, you will definitely bring joy to my lonely soul. You will definitely give warm to my cold lonely nights. Colors will bloom along my way and you will see smile in my heart everyday. 但是不管怎样,我对你的爱不会变。当你也产生了和我一样的感觉时,我想你会是我最好的灵魂伴侣,带着我走出孤寂,温暖我冰冷的心。 5、That is how much I love you. That is how much I wanted you in my life. 我对你的爱,无法用言语全部表达,因此,来到我的身边吧,我会用实际行动告诉你,我对你的爱是多么的深。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c54e633986254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad0f31679.html