保姆机器人英语作文【篇一:英语作文 机器人】 we all know that the technology of robots is developing in a very fast speed.and it is a very important part that has the ability to change the world.so we have to discuss robots. on the one hand,robots have some important advantages.at first, the robots can help people increase their speeds in working,because robots do not know what is tired and they can work all time.and the robots can make less mistakes than people.so the robots can also increase the companies income. second,robots can be more and more clever, and in the future,they can learn from people.so a robot can also be made to be a nurse or a housekeeper.we need to believe that in the future,the robots can care about people more careful than we people,because they can study and can have a lot of technologies to look for peoples health. but,on the other hand,we must know that the number of people is increasing now, and there have been a lot of people losing their jobs.if we let robots replace people to do some jobs,there will be more people out of work.so,we must consider this problem.besides this problem,it is also a problem that if robots have their own ideas,what should we people consider them as.and will they refuse peoples requests and have a war with us? in my opinion,we should develop thetechnology of robots, and use them to make our lives more colorful.our government should also make a role of making robots and use the role to avoid some problems. the most important thing is that what jobs we want robots do.so we must consider this problem clearly. i believe that our lives can be better by the help of robots in the future. 【篇二:保姆机器人作文350字】 我想发明保姆机器人。因为我的妈妈在家里太辛苦了,所以我想让保姆机器人帮我妈妈做家务。 保姆机器人的头和我们一样,圆头圆脑的。她的耳朵就像猫的耳朵。一双亮晶晶的大眼睛下面有一个小巧玲珑的鼻子,鼻子下面长着一张小嘴巴,可漂亮极了。她穿着一件蓝色的上衣和一条蓝色的裙子。 她的头和我们一样,会思考,会开动脑筋。她的耳朵能听懂动物说的话。她的眼睛里有红外线一样,到了晚上,她的红外线就会自动亮起来。 保姆机器人能听从我们的安排。我们喊她做什么,她就做什么。她还有一双勤快的手,能洗衣煮饭 我是按保姆来设计的。普通保姆没有高科技的功能。而保姆机器人可以帮我们干许多人们都不会的事情。 我喜欢保姆机器人。 指导教师:杨天金四川省蓬溪县高坪镇小学校三年级:梁金伟 【篇三:保姆机器人-(小学语文三年级第六单元作文)】 我们的父母工作都很繁忙。没有时间管孩子,有的孩子的父母上班早,孩子吃不上吃饭,饿着肚子去上学,有的孩子放学都送到托管班,要等到父母下班后才能接。我想发明一种机器人,他的名字叫保姆机器人。 他的头和我的一样大小,有着比我聪明的脑袋。一只眼睛可以当手电筒,另一只眼睛可以看到很远的地方。头上长着两个触角,那是他的天线。长着五只手,第一只手可以扫地,第二只手可以做饭,第三只手可以帮孩子拎书包,第四只手可以浇花,第五只手有伸缩功能。身体是一个大烤箱,可以为孩子做丰富菜品。脚上有四个大轮子,可以飞快地跑动。身子两边有两个折叠型翅膀,在有需要的时候,可以飞起来。 他可以做和父母同样的事情,协助父母尽职责。在早上,保姆机器人可以很早把饭做好,微笑着把孩子叫醒,并且可以安全地把孩子送到学校。白天在家,可以帮助大人们洗衣服、扫地、浇花,等到下午他会提前把饭做好,到学校接孩子放学。傍晚陪着孩子写作业、玩耍、讲故事。 我一定要好好的学习科学知识,长大以后发明一种这样的机器人。这样的话父母就再也不用担心孩子了! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c5b40454c0c708a1284ac850ad02de80d5d80604.html