凹凸不平的同义词词有哪些 用法:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容物体的表面示例:路遥《平凡的世界》第四卷第49章:“灿烂的阳光,美丽的野花,碧波荡漾的原西河,~的石板街……词性:中性成语;当代成语近义词:坎坷不平、 崎岖不平反义词:平平坦坦、一马平川歇后语:笨媳妇纳鞋底 灯谜面:麻脸英文解释irregularity;sags and crests ;例句用挖球器挖出一层后,须把凹凸不平的表面铲平,才能开始挖下一层。 After scooping out one layer, the uneven surface must be leveled off before starting another layer.一个小老头儿甚至还有着和哈利一模一样的凹凸不平的膝盖哈利正在望着他的家人,这是他有生以来的第一次。 Even a little old man who looked as though he had harry's knobbly knees-harry was looking at his family, for the first timein his life.如果你的腿上有凹凸不平的橘皮组织、明显的青筋或其它缺陷,那就一定要穿超薄长统袜。 If your legs have cellulite, spider veins or other flaws, then by all means don super-sheer hose. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c5d3b7579fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da51e2d636.html