
时间:2022-08-05 03:46:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The Way to Success

There are many ways to success, such as hard working, passion or good preparations. From Honore De Balzac’s famous remark, “There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power”, we can see that the way to success is having a strong will.

A strong will is essential if we want to achieve our goals. Initially, every success involves several stages of setbacks and risks, and we need to summon up our will to overcome them. Moreover, there are enormous temptations in our path of the pursuit of success. Only with a strong will can we resist the temptation, and persist in chasing our goals until we reach them.

The long history of human being has also proved that only those with a strong will can achieve success at last. We are all familiar with Thomas Edison’s story that he had tried one thousand kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without a strong will, Edison might have been a nobody. Without a strong will, no one can succeed. 成功之路




坚强的意志才能抵抗诱惑,坚持追求我们的目标,直到我们达成目标。 人类历史悠久的历史也证明,只有那些有着坚强意志的人才能最终取得成功。我们都很熟悉爱迪生托马斯的故事,他尝试了一千种材料,才最终使他伟大的灯泡亮起来。没有坚强的意志,爱迪生可能是一个没有人。没有坚强的意志,没有人能成功。
