摇曳的反义词有哪些 反义词是一种重要的语言现象。它在构词、修辞以及揭示矛盾对立面的表达特色等方面,具有特殊的作用。学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,现店铺精心整理了一些关于摇曳的反义词,希望可以帮助你提高语文知识的积累! 摇曳 相关的反义词: 静止 稳定 坚定 中文解释: [flicker;sway]∶晃荡;飘荡 摇曳的烛光 住宅角落处的竹枝在晚风轻微吹拂下缓缓摇曳 [free and unfettered]∶逍遥 英文解释 1.flicker; sway: 例句 纸灯笼在微风中摇曳。 Paper lanterns fluttered in the breeze. 棕榈树随着拉丁乐而摇曳生姿. The palms sway gently to a latin guitar. 它看起来就好像一个摇曳的圆形光点,正缓缓从左向右穿过你的电视屏幕。 It looks like it's that flickering circular light there, which is slowly traveling across your screen, moving from left to right. 夕阳收束了它最后一抹余晖,远处的天空中也渐渐模糊了几道先前映出的彩霞,枝叶在微风的吹拂中慢慢地摇曳着,发出吱丫吱丫的声音。 When the sun collected its last beam of light in the dusk, the pink clouds in the far sky were gradually becoming vague. Twigs andbranches of the trees were swaying in the breeze, making some tiny sounds. 六个小矮人中总有一个拿着火炬,凭着火炬闪烁摇曳的光,他看得见满脸胡须的小矮人都在瞧他,神情严厉而又顽固。 About one in six of them carried a torch and by that flickering light he could see their bearded faces all looking at him with grim anddogged expressions. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c8b0ce040366f5335a8102d276a20029bd6463c2.html