
时间:2022-05-02 22:07:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
the new year holiday should be longer however, the new year holiday is too short for the working people, according to the regulations of the state, there are only 7 days federal holidays for the working people. several years later, all of us should participate in work, so this problem

is closely related to each of us. firstly, do the words spring festival reminds you of something which happen every year, and it is too crowded and makes people exhausted? i think some of you can get the answer. it is the spring transportation. going home for spring festival is a traditional custom of chinese people, but millions of peoples travels bring a great

pressure on traffic, especially in such a short time. 7 days holiday, 4 days on the way. but the resources of the tickets are very limited, so the people who can buy the tickets are well off, others who are not lucky

enough to get the ticket quickly should spend the new year in a strange land. secondly, in fact, short vacation of the spring festival has brought a lot of serious problems. when the official announced the plan of the new year holiday, xinlang, a famous media did a survey on the satisfaction degree of it, more than 70 % of the people are dissatisfied with the plan. most of them wanted more time for relaxed, or they would have less passion for their work in the next year. a netizen called teemo said he always felt angry when every year he said goodbye to his family and

came back to work. so, we can expect, if the new year holiday can be longer for the working people, maybe it will make the reunion of families more convenient and let people celebrate the spring festival with a good mood. also, the problems we mentioned above could

be solved. thank you!篇二:英语演讲春节 the spring festival good afternoon everyone.im wu yunfei .today ,ill talk about the topic about spring festival . in my opinion ,the spring festival as the most influential traditional festival have important meaning for us .several days before the new year people begin to prepare. farmers kill pigssheepcocks and hens. city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. houses are cleaned coupletsare (春联)posted on the doors. colorful lanterns are hung at the gate.all family members will get together on new year eve to have a big meal . during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. students do not go to school,and shops are closed. at the same time ,everyone celebrates to each other . when people meet on the way they say to each other happy new year..at about 12 oclocksome parents and children light crackers.the whole sky is lighted brightly. we may watch the fireworks excitedly. how busy it is on the

first early morning of one yearfriends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. at that timechildren are the happiest because they can get many red

packets form their parentsgrandparents,uncles,aunts and so on. 各位——、女士们、先生们、同志们、朋友们: 一、春节的来历: 春节,是农历的岁首,春节的另一名称叫过年,是中国最盛大、最热闹、最重要的一个

古老传统节日,也是中国人所独有的节日。是中华文明最集中的表现。自西汉以来,春节的习俗一直延续到今天。春节一般指除夕和正月初一。但在民间,传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。如何过庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。在春节这一传统节日期间,我国的汉族和大多数少数民族都有要举行各种庆祝活动,这些活动大多以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、祈求丰年为主要内容。活动形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的民族特色。 春节的来历有一种传说,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。“年”长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。有一年除夕,从村外来了个乞讨的老人。乡亲们一片匆忙恐慌景象,只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避“年”兽,那老人笑道:“婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,

我一 二、春节的习俗 1、腊月二十三 祭灶 我国春节,一般是从祭灶揭开序幕的。祭灶,是一项在我国民间影响很大、流传极广的

习俗。旧时,差不多家家灶间都设有“灶王爷”神位。 2、腊月二十四 扫尘 “腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子” ,据《吕氏春秋》记载,我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望和辞旧迎新的祈求。

逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘,洒扫 六闾庭院,掸拂尘垢蛛网,疏浚明渠暗沟。到处洋溢着欢欢喜喜搞卫生、干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。

3、腊月二十五 接玉皇

4、腊月二十七、二十八 洗浴 传统民俗中在这两天要集中地洗澡、洗衣,除去一年的晦气,准备迎接来年的新春,京城有二十七洗疚疾,二十八洗邋遢的谚语。腊月二十六洗浴为“洗福禄” 5、腊月三十除夕 贴门神、贴春联、守岁、爆竹、吃年夜饭、给压岁钱、祭祖 除夕的意思是“月穷岁尽”人们都要除旧部新,有旧岁至此而除,来年另换新岁的意思,

是农历全年最后的一个晚上。故此期间的活动都围绕着除旧部新,消灾祈福为中心。 春联、贴福字、贴窗花、贴年画、贴挂千。这些都具有祈福、装点居所的民俗功能。反

映了人民大众的风俗和信仰,寄托着人们对未来的希望。 守岁,我国民间在除夕有守岁的习惯,俗名“熬年”。守岁从吃年夜饭开始,这顿年夜饭要慢慢地吃,从掌灯时分入席,有的人家一直要吃到深夜。守岁的习俗,既有对如水逝去的

岁月含惜别留恋之情,又有 对来临的新年寄以美好希望之意。 爆竹,中国民间有“开门爆竹”一说。即在新的一年到来之际,家家户户开门的第一件事就是燃放爆竹,以哔哔叭叭的爆竹声除旧迎新。爆竹是中国特产,其起源很早,至今已有两千多年的历史。放爆竹可以创造出喜庆热闹的气氛,是节日的一种娱乐活动,可以给人们

带来欢愉和吉利。王安石的《元日》诗: 爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖人屠苏。 千门万户瞳瞳日。 总把新桃换旧符。

描绘了我国人民欢度春节盛大的喜庆情景。 在古代的农业社会里,大约自腊月初八以后,家庭主妇们就要忙着张罗过年的食品了。因为腌制腊味所需的时间较长,所以必须尽早准备,蒸年糕,年糕因为谐音“年高”,再加上有着变化多端的口味,几乎成了家家必备的应景食品。年糕的式样有方块状的黄、白年糕,

象征着黄金、白银,寄寓新年发财的意思。年糕的口味因地而异。 饺子,北方年夜饭有吃饺子的传统,但各地吃饺子的习俗亦不相同,有的地方除夕之夜吃饺子,有的地方初一吃饺子,吃饺子是表达人们辞旧迎新之际祈福求吉愿望的特有方式。饺子就意味着更岁交子,过春节吃饺子被认为是大吉大利。另外饺子形状像元宝,包饺子意

味着包住福运,吃饺子象征生活富裕。 吃年夜饭,也叫团圆夜,离家在外的游子都要不远千里万里赶回家来 是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜.丰盛的年菜摆满一桌,围坐桌旁,共吃团

圆饭,心头的充实感真是难以言喻。 给压岁钱,压岁钱是由长辈发给晚辈的,有的家里是吃完年夜饭后,人人坐在桌旁不许

走,等大家都吃完了,由长辈发给晚辈,并勉励儿孙在在新的一年里学习长进,好好做人。 6、正月初一 拜年 春节早晨,开门大吉,先放爆竹,叫做“开门炮仗”。爆竹声后,碎红满地,灿若云锦,称为“满堂红”。这时满街瑞气,喜气洋洋。 春节里的一项重要活动,是到新朋好友家和邻那里祝贺新春,旧称拜年。新年的初一,人们都早早起来,穿上最漂亮的衣服,打扮得整整齐齐,出门去走亲访友,相互拜年,恭祝来年大吉大利。拜年的方式多种多样,有的是同族长带领若干人挨家挨户地拜年;有的是同事相邀几个人去拜年;也有大家聚在一起相互祝贺,称为“团拜”由于登门拜年费时费力,后来一些上层人物和士大夫便使用各贴相互投贺,此发展出来后来的“贺年片”。春节拜年时,晚辈要先给长辈拜年,祝长辈人长寿安康,长辈可将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,

晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。 7、舞龙 舞龙,又名「耍龙灯」「龙灯舞」,是汉民族传统的舞蹈形式之一。每逢喜庆节日,各地都有舞龙的习俗。 舞龙起源于汉代,经历代而不衰。
