an unforgettable e某perience英语作文

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an unforgettable eperience英语作文


When I was five years old, one Sunday afternoon, it was the first time Iplayed a computer. Dad said, "this is the mouse, this is the keyboard..." Thenthe father went out in a hurry, and a good story happened.

I sat in front of the computer and clicked on it, and I was so curiousabout it that I pressed it. Then, an icon immediately disappeared from thecomputer screen, which was taken off the "junk" on the computer screen. Great,I'm going to take all the rubbish out. Then I delete it as I did. I deleted it,and called out, "I delete and delete and delete..." After a while, I was baffledwhy the online neighbors and my computer and the recycling station couldn'tdelete it. When dad came back, I happily tell dad I help clean up

garbageprocess, computer's dad hit the ceiling result, originally I not clear "junk",but my dad spent most of the genius has installed the software yesterday, dadimmediately called me a dog blood spray head.

Through this thing I got a lesson: curiosity is not no, but some people arejust ran a curse because of curiosity, so we are curious to curious, don't morehands feet, so as not to trouble.



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我删我删删删……”过了不一会儿,我就迷惑不解了:为什么网上邻居和我的电脑还有回收站怎么删除不了。这时爸爸回来了,我兴高采烈地告诉爸爸我帮电脑清除垃圾的过程,结果爸爸大发雷霆,原来我清除的不是“垃圾”,而是爸爸昨天花了大半天才装好的软件,爸爸立刻就骂我个狗血淋头。 通过这件事我得到了一个教训:正所谓好奇之心不可无,但有些人就是因为好奇而闯了祸,所以我们好奇归好奇,不要多手多脚,这样才不会闯祸。 一次难忘的经历英语作文()

The unforgettable time in life is like the countless stars in the sky, andthe sand in the sea. One thing I can never forget! Once, I took a bag of snacks in my house and ran to my friend's house toeat. When we arrived, we went upstairs and we pushed the door hard and lockedthe door. We're eating fast in it! When we came out, the door wouldn't open!We're in a hurry!

Luckily, his home was still decorated, and with his uncle, we shouted,"help! We can't get out!" The worker's uncle came quickly and said you turnedthe lock to the right and left. The door was opened for a long time. Uncleworker scolded us: "why do you lock the door, you eat in there and there is noone to help you, really." We were defaced and blushed.

It was a memorable event, and we didn't dare, and we were inspired.




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