梦想的英语作文(5篇) 梦想的英语作文(5篇) 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的梦想的英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 梦想的英语作文1 When I was very small, I had always heard many stories from myuncle,because he traveled a lot.So I have made up my mind.When I grew up, Imusttravel around the world, which is my biggest dream.In order to realizemydream, the first thing for me to do is to master English well, so I spendmanyhours to learn.I can realize my dream some day. 梦想的英语作文2 I have a dream about my career.I want to be a teacher, because Ithinkteacher is a good job.Generally speaking, teachers have muchknowledge.Theycan help students to enrich their knowledge.Besides, teachers cancommunicatewith students all the time.It helps teachers keep young atheart.Finally,teachers have two long holidays a year.In the free time, I can domany things Ilike.And I have time to travel.It makes me exciting.I must workhard torealize my dream. 梦想的英语作文3 I have a dream.Compared toMartin Luther King’s, my dream is verysmall.Iwant to be a teacher in the future.And then I can have a two longvacations fortraveling.I can travel around the world.I can go America, Canada,New York,New Zealand, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and so on.It’s perfect.Yes,goingtravel around the world is my dream.Even I want to go to the moonfortravel. 梦想的英语作文4 “梦想,是一个目标,是让自己活下去的原动力,是让自己开心的原因”,所以,每个人都有梦想,有人想当科学家,有人想当医生……而我想当一位英语老师,传授给小朋友们知识。 我想当一位英语老师。在上课时,我在讲台上把英语单词和字母讲的栩栩如生,下面的同学们听得很入神。这时,出现了一个不认真听讲的同学,我便拿起我的“神教鞭”一指他,他便坐得十分端正,眼睛直勾勾地看着我,思维放射出灿烂的`火花。我还会与小朋友们用英语对话,用英语唱歌,用英语一起做游戏,一起看英语电影……下课的时候,我会跟他们聊天;在英语方面有困难,我也会帮助他们。我还会在暑假时一起与小朋友们出国游玩儿,不仅玩儿的开心,还可以补充知识,同时增加我们对外国的了解。 同学们,让我们好好学习,向着我们的梦想去奋斗吧! 梦想的英语作文5 As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be inthefuture.My answer is always to be a teacher.It is my dream and I study sohardto realize it.Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guidethemto the right way.Thinking about the great contribution I would make,everythingis worthy. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cba2f71a598102d276a20029bd64783e09127dbc.html