用隐隐约约造句 1、在撒哈拉大沙漠,风沙中,隐隐约约显现出来的一点绿色显得生气盎然,在沙漠中画龙点睛!(李恺玥) 1, in the Sahara desert, sand, vaguely revealed a little green is vibrant, in the desert in the finishing touch! (Li Kaiyue) 2、农村的夜来了,到处沉寂一片,只隐隐约约听见蝉的鸣叫。 2, the rural night, around a quiet, only hear the cicadas chirping indistinct. 3、不时的,林子里传来几声隐隐约约令人心里发毛的鸟叫声。 3, from time to time, came a very creepy indistinct birds in the woods. 4、看着这张照片,我隐隐约约记起了什么。 4, look at this picture, I remembered what indistinct. 5、几天,我本是想上网查资料的,到了上网的机会了,但又忘了查什么,只有隐隐约约的一些印象。 5, a few days, I this is want to surf the Internet to find information, to access to the web, but forgot to check what, only vague impression. 6、时间长了我隐隐约约记得一些小时候的事。 6, a long time I remember some indistinct childhood 1 thing. 7、我隐隐约约地记得那是他说话的声音。 7, I remember that he is indistinct voice. 8、我隐隐约约记得我的老家门前有一棵拴着秋千的大树。 8, I remember there was a indistinct tied to the tree swing my old house. 9、天色渐晚,我看到星星隐隐约约渐次闪烁的身影。 9, it was getting late, I saw the stars twinkling gradually indistinct figure. 10、我跪在那昂首挺立,老婆手里那遥遥在望的臭鞋底,使劲地扇我那可怜的脸,我隐隐约约感觉到了疼。 10, I kneel in the proudly upright, smelly shoe soles of the visible in the wife's hand, hard fan my poor face, I feel faint to pain. 2 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cd2c75040129bd64783e0912a216147916117ef5.html