幼儿英语小故事100字:蚂蚁和树叶 One afternoon, the ant came to the forest in search of food, accidentally fell into a puddle. Ants in a puddle, throbbing, scared to shout "help". Ants and leaves a little leaf saw the tree, broke my mother's hand, flew into the puddle, busy to save the ant. The tree leaves hand, eager to say: "do not be afraid, little ant, quickly grabbed my hand, I'll pull you up." The ant stretched out hand, however, the pit is too deep, the ant can hardly reach. As the little leaves looked around, he quickly went to find a rope and a twig. He tied it to a tree and made it a "rescue stick."". Small leaves grabbed at one end of the rope, hand pulled "lifesaving bar" thrown into the puddle. The ant saw, hurriedly made my swim, finally reach the best life "". It climbed up the tree, sighed: "this, I can be saved." Small leaves grabbed the rope, pull up a little bit, spent a tremendous effort, finally rescued the ant. The ant is very grateful, and said: "the big brother, thank you, thank you for saving." Small leaves, I am ashamed to say: "no thanks, this is what I should do, you come out to be more careful." 一天下午,小蚂蚁来到森林里找吃的,一不小心掉进了一个水坑里。小蚂蚁在水坑里直扑腾,吓得直喊“救命”。 蚂蚁和树叶一片小树叶看见了,用力挣脱了树妈妈的手,飘到了水坑边,忙去救小蚂蚁。小树叶伸出手,急切地对小蚂蚁说:“别怕,小蚂蚁,快抓住我的手,我把你拉上来。”小蚂蚁拼命伸长了手,不过,坑太深了,小蚂蚁怎么也够不着。 小树叶四处一看,连忙去找来一条绳子和一根小树枝,它把绳子拴在树枝上,做成了一根“救生棒”。小树叶一手抓住绳子的一头,一手用力把“救生棒”抛进水坑。小蚂蚁看到了,赶紧用尽力气游过来,终于够着了“救生棒”。它爬上了树枝,松了一口气:“这下,我可有救了。” 小树叶拽住绳子,一点点往上拉,费了九牛二虎之力,终于把小蚂蚁救了上来。小蚂蚁非常感激,连声说:“树叶大哥,谢谢你,谢谢你的救命之恩。”小树叶不好意思地说:“不用谢,这是我应该做的,以后你出来可要小心一点。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cdcfadb4571252d380eb6294dd88d0d232d43c55.html