匠心文档,专属精品。 UNIT4 e a 字母组合的发音规律 神奇的英文字母 小朋友吗,你们喜欢猜脑筋急转弯吗?魔法大师今天给我们带来了5个英文脑筋急转弯题,让我一起来感受英文字母的神奇魅力吧,请听题, 哪个字母最勤劳? 哪个字母可以跳? 哪个字母可以喝? 哪个字母可以吃? 哪个字母可以在里面游泳? 哪个字母农民伯伯最喜欢?rain—grain 答案就藏在本单元的学习内容里,一定要认真学习哦。 Lesson22 ee /i:/ keep my teeth healthy保持牙齿健康 Bee蜜蜂 green绿色 feel感觉 sleepy瞌睡的 一只bee(蜜蜂),躲进tree(树),没人see(看见) 悬崖deep(深的),开着jeep(吉普车),莫要sleep(睡着) I feel sleepy after such a big meal. So do I. How can I keep my teeth healthy? Brush your teeth twice a day and don’t eat too many sweets Lesson23 ie /i:/ a piece of cake小菜一碟 movie (电影)[ i] field(田地)[ i:] 读一读: doggie 小狗狗 piggie小猪猪 →[ i] thief 小偷 chief 首长,首领 →[ i:] 背一背: 抱着Barbie(芭比),吃着cookie(饼干),看着movie(电影)。/i/ 被我niece(侄女,外甥女),摔成piece(片,碎片)。/i:/ We can’t go to the movies on an empty stomach. We can take some cookies. How was the English test? A piece of cake. Lesson24 ue /i:/ give me a tissue给我张手纸巾 blue (蓝色的)[ u:] queue(队伍)[ ju:] 读一读: true 真实的 glue 胶水→[ u:] tissue 手纸巾 value 价值→[ ju:] 背一背: 匠心教育文档系列 1 匠心文档,专属精品。 丢了glue(胶水),没有clue(线索),脸气blue(蓝色的)。/u:/ 手拿tissue(手纸巾),排好queue(队伍)。/ju:/ This is too hard for me, can you give me a clue? No, use your head It’s not good to wipe your nose on your sleeve Please give me a tissue. Lesson25 ea…Don’t eat snacks before meals.餐前别吃零嘴。 tea (茶)[ i:] 读一读: meal 餐,饭 meat 肉 seat 座位 背一背: 一颗pea(豌豆) 掉进sea(大海) 泡壶tea(茶) 身体weak(虚弱的) 爬上peak(顶峰) 无力speak(说话) Don’t eat snacks before meals, you’ll have no appetite for dinner. Don’t worry, mum, I am a big eater. I feel too weak to speak. You need to get something to eat. Lesson26 ea…Breakfast is ready.早饭好了。 head (头)[ e] 读一读: ready 准备好的 heavy 重的 deaf 聋的 背一背: 吞进lead(铅) 摸摸head(头) 已经dead(死的) 吃着bread(面包) 报纸spread(展开) 开始read(阅读) The remote control doesn’t work. Maybe the battery is dead. Breakfast is ready. Mum, do we have jam? I want to spread it on the bread. Lesson27 ai…No pain,no gain.不努力,就没有回报。 rain (下雨)[ ei] 读一读: 匠心教育文档系列 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ce00e4e1d8ef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e9950e76e34.html