
时间:2023-02-19 05:02:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




【调查报告】methods employed (场调查报告) 例句 It can be readily measured, however, with an electrometer by using the technique described in Section VI-B 它可以用静电计轻而易举地测定,其使用方法如第六节B所述。 “In order that everyone can use the new product, he explains how to use it.” 为了使每个人都会使用那新产品,他解释使用方法。 This type of multifunctional press features easy and safe operation and rapid printing. 安全,简便的使用方法,快速的印刷功

效,是这种多功能印刷机械的特点。 The children”s standards were measured and recorded throughout the study and the methods of using high tech aids analysed ----------------精选公文范文----------------



by the research team 研究小组在整个项目过程中检测并记录了学生的水平,

分析了高科技辅助手段的使用方法。 The seismic catalog and phase data are important for the seismological investigation. In this paper, the content and inquiring method of China Seismic Network and Global Seismic Network are introduced. 地震目录和震相数据在地震学研究中具有重要意义,本文介绍了中国地震台网、球地震台网地震目录数据库和震相数据库的内容和查询使用方法。 USAGE: Apply to hair or body and rub it till rich foams come up, and then rinse off. 使用方法:沐浴时将沐浴露倒在头发上揉搓和在身上涂抹会产生丰 Directions: Apply a small amount with clean fingertip to entire face and neck area. Use it according to season or personal like. 使用方法:取适量本品薄薄地涂抹于整个脸部及所需部位,至吸收完全即可。----------------精选公文范文----------------

