电影观后感 - 费城故事

时间:2022-05-23 05:54:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
For most of the people, movie is basically a way of entertainment, and it won't have an impact on the whole society. However, Jonathan Demme's Philadelphia is one of those exceptions. In the movie, Andrew Beckett is a successful young lawyer who has a bright future, until he discovered he has aids. Soon he was fired by his boss for some unexplainable reasons. This essay is written by Miguel (a.k.a. xy1154). In order to defend himself, Andrew contacted his acquaintance Miller and decided to sue his former boss. After a series of debates, the judge finally ruled in favor of Andrew. The film arouses people's consciousness of AIDS, which is still threatening us nowadays. In my opinion, in order to win this undeclared war against AIDS, both the citizens and the government should react positively. For the citizens, we should learn and spread the knowledge of preventing it. For the government, it's necessary to emphasize the idea of treating those who are infected with love and care. In addition, they need to implement effective programs to stop the spread of AIDS. This essay is written by Miguel (a.k.a. xy1154). Only by combining our efforts, can we make more significant progress in this battle.
