雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:handwriting 书法 Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer (typewriter or word-processor) ? 你经常用手写字还是用电脑打字? I type for the most time. Because there’s actually not that much homework that really requires me to write by hand. Plus, it’s way more time-saving and eligible to read. 大多数时间我还是用电脑打字的。因为,我现在的作业几乎都没有要求用手写完成的。另外,打字相比而言要更加省时间也容易看得清楚一些。 Nowadays, how do most people write things? 如今,大多数的人们通过什么方式写字? I think most people write things by a?pen. Not all of in China own a PC(personal computer) or even a smartphone which makes typing easier than hand-writing. ?So, using a pen to write something is quite common nowadays. 大多数人们如今是用笔来写东西的。 在中国并不是所有人都有电脑或者智能手机来打字。所以,当今用笔来写字还是比较常见的。 Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? 你认为电脑有朝一日会取代手写吗? Yes, I assume that handwriting would be replaced in the near future by some new technologies like computers. Right now, there’re already some new things that are changing the habit we write. For example, a software called Xunfei Typing, which can enable us to type anything just by talking to the phone, then, our voice would be interpreted into words. 是的,我认为手写会在不久的将来被新科技比如电脑所取代。现在,已经有很多新事物开始逐渐的改变人们手写的习惯了。比如,目前有款软件叫讯飞输入法,它就能将我们的声音自动识别并输出成文字。 When do children begin to write in your country? 在你们的国家,小孩子什么时候开始写字的? Kids in our country begin to write at the age of 3, which is the time for kindergarten. They are usually encouraged to write some simple Chinese characters or some ABCs to practice their brain and language ability. 在我们国家,小孩一般三岁就开始学习写字了,这个年纪也是上幼儿园的时间。他们通常会被鼓励写一写简单的中国汉字或者英文字母来锻炼大脑或者语言能力。 How did you learn to write? 你曾经是如何学会写字的? Let me think about it, well, actually it was my father,?not my teacher, that taught me how to write. I remember my father gave me a chopstick and let me draw something like he did on a small piece of the blackboard. This article is from Laokaoya website. I thought it’s quite interesting even though?I couldn’t fully comprehend what I wrote. 让我思考一下,嗯,我记得第一个教我写字的不是我老师而是我爸爸,我记得那个时候我爸爸叫我拿着一根粉笔跟着他的样子在黑板上写写画画。虽然那个时候我不能完全理解但是觉得很有趣。 Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)? 你认为(如今)手写重要吗? Yes, I think it’s quite important. Because handwriting shows one’s personality to others. If you have perfect handwriting, I guess it won’t be difficult to impress others when it comes to job hunting or even a good relationship. 我觉得还是很重要的。因为一个人的手写能看出一个人的性格品质。如果你有一手好字,我才求职或者谈朋友就不那么困难了。 How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting? 如今的孩子们怎么提高(练习)手写? There’are actually many ways children can find to practice handwriting. For example, there’s the handwriting guidebook that teaches you how to write beautiful cursive English or Chinese. Plus, you will find some videos on the websites that show?you how to write. 有很多种途径可以练习手写。比如,有一种书法指导手册,它能教会你如何写一手标亮的英文圆体或者中文草体。另外,很多网站上面也有很多指导性的视频可供学习。 What is the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cfd22707dc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b389d.html