瞿铭我儿,儿子、好儿子,狠心的儿子,爸爸、妈妈好想你,全家人好想你啊! Dear Ming, My son, my only son, my good son! I miss you so much. So your father and grandparents do! 噩耗传来,天崩地裂,爸爸、妈妈、亲戚、朋友、老师、同学的眼泪哭干了,嗓子哭哑了,无数善良的人在流泪,苍天鸣啼,大地哀嚎······ When the bad new came, your dad, grandparents, friends, teachers and I almost wept with sadness. Many kind-hearted people also felt sorry with you, my dear son. Your death has completely ruined our family, ruined our future and even Chinese families’ hope. 是谁剥夺了你豆蔻的生命?是谁葬送了你美好的青春? 是谁诋毁了你为人类做贡献的抱负?是谁泯灭了你发挥自己聪明才智的理想? Who deprive you of life? Who ruin your colorful youth? Who destroy your dream? Who cut the way you chase dream? 儿子,天堂的治安好吗?不会有歹徒的枪击吧?伤口还疼吗?爹妈不在身边,要照顾好自己呀! My son, only son, dear son. Is safe in the heaven? Do you hear a shot? Are you still feeling painful? We cannot stay with you any more, please please take care by yourself. 儿子,在天堂累不累?记得你上小学时,有五年制的实验班,也有六年制的正常班,问你去哪个班,你说上五年制的班,妈妈说,你就没有玩的时间啦,你说一天给我十分钟玩的时间就行。你说到就做到,在你短暂的二十四年中,你时时刻刻地拼搏着,爸爸、妈妈没有白发时,你就有了白发,你太累啦!该休息一下啦! My son, only son, dear son. Are you tired in the heaven? You were always studying hard. You told to us that you must study hard because of your dream. You told us that you just need 10 mins for fun every day because you wanted to study more time. my son, only son, good son. You were so tired. Please relax in the heaven. 儿子,天堂热不热?别舍不得买雪糕的钱,记得你小时候,夏天太热,妈妈心疼你,每天给你五毛钱让你买块雪糕,没及时吃到雪糕你惹妈妈生过气,但此后,你不再向妈妈要雪糕吃,也不再乱花一分钱。 My son, only son, good son. Is hot in the heaven? Don’t save money to buy ice cream. In your childhood, summer was hot. Mama worried that you felt too hot and gave your RMB 0.5 to buy ice cream. You saved the money. You never wasted 1 dollar. 两年的美国学习生活你处处精打细算,节约花钱,为省钱,你放弃语言课,自己外出边打工边练习语言;为省钱,四个学期的教材你不买,全靠网上下载。当爸妈看到你住在十几平方米且两人合租的房间,只是在地上铺个垫子当床时,爸妈万分内疚,爸妈无能,没有那么多钱让你过上更舒适的生活。你通过自己的勤俭,为家减轻了很大的经济负担。现在,爸爸、妈妈,全家人给你送去了好多好多的金元宝,还有聚宝盆,足够你用了,别再节俭了。 Two years life in US taught you how to save money. You didn’t take language class at school to save the tuition, but got a partime job to learn English while making some money. You didn’t buy books, but all borrowed from others, or found ebooks online to save some expenses. We’ve never felt so guilty when we saw you lived in such a small room, slept on a matress instead of a bed. It s our fault that we didn’t have the ability to give you a better life. You lift the economy burden through your () .now your dad, your Mon, has sent you hundreds of ()money, and we hope it’s enough to have good life in the heaven. 儿子,天堂需要帮助的人多吗? 记得,你刚上小学时,老师嗓子疼,你跑出学校向二姨要钱,买回来药偷偷的放在老师办公桌上。你不远千里、远赴国外陪伴同学参加留学考试;你自费将远在上海骨折而无助的同学接回故乡;为了帮助家境困难险些错过高考的同学,你着急上火,找人帮忙。受你帮助的人很多很多,他们都很想念你,你在天堂也要帮助别人哪! Dear son, are there lots of people that need help? You always love to help others. When you were primary school, you when to buy some medicine to relieve the throat pain of your teacher. You went to places far away just to accompany your good friend to take the GRE test. You spent your own money to help take your injured friend from Shanghai back to his hometown. You were busy asking others to help your classmates get through their financial difficulties and let them catch up with the college entrance exam. So many people have felt your kind heart and generosity. They all miss you very much. We believe you will continue to help others in the heaven. 儿子,天堂有暑假吗?你每个暑假都会用一周时间陪年迈的姥爷、姥姥,这个假期你没回来,妈妈说你在美国找到一份保密性工作,几年后才能回来,姥姥听说后,到你的房间,找到你的照片紧紧地贴在胸前哭着说:孩子你出息啦,但姥姥、姥爷年纪太大啦,看不到你了。儿子,是爸妈掩盖了你的实情,欺骗了二老,你原谅爸妈吧! Dear son, is there summer vacation in the heaven? You used to spend a week to accompany your grandpa and grandma during summer vacation. For this summer, your Mon told your grandparents that you got a highly confidential job in US, and could only come back in a couple of years. After hearing this, your grandma went to your room, found your album, held it, said to herself with tears: you are my boy! But we are too old to wait until you come back. Son, it’s your dad and Mon that lied to your grandpa and grandma, please forgive us! 儿子,天堂过“五一”节吗?别人家的父母都在为迎接孩子回家而忙着购物,你的爸爸、妈妈和全家人却在为你准备烧三期。“五一节”那天晚上,爸爸做了你最爱吃的炖鲫鱼,边做边流泪,你却吃不到了,桌上摆着你用的碗筷,全家人谁也没吃,都在流泪······ Dear son, did you have Labor Day in the heaven (Labor day is May 1st in China)? When other parents were busy shopping to get ready for their kids’ arrival, your dad and Mon were doing the memorials for the third seven days after your death. On the Labor Day, your dad couldn’t help crying when he made your favorite fish cuisine that you could not enjoy anymore. We also prepare your bowl and chopsticks during dinner. We kept crying during the dinner, eating nothing. 儿子,吴颖好吗?知道你有了心上人,全家人好开心啊!爸爸乐的蹦了起来,高兴地几天没睡好觉,设想着等你回来时怎么接待,买些什么用品,给儿媳拿什么礼物,到哪里去玩,什么时候结婚,怎样抚养、教育好未来的孙子······ My dear son, Wuying must be a good girl right? We were so thrilled. Your dad couldn’t help jumping when he heard that you had a girlfriend. He had been thinking about how to welcome your girlfriend when you guys came back, what to buy as a gift for her, where to take a trip together, when you guys might get married, and how to raise, and educate our future grandkids… 爸爸、妈妈参加过好多婚礼,场面都是那么热闹、欢乐,可是给你们办的却是凄惨的冥婚,也算是好,了却了你们相爱永远的心愿,你知道爸妈是什么心情吗? For all the weddings that Your dad and Mon have been, they were happy and joyful. However what could only give you, is a spiritual marriage, through which we hope we could help make you together. Do you know how we felt when we arrange this marriage? 明天是母亲节了,同学们纷纷送来了鲜花,发来了祝福,你能为妈妈送点啥呀?爸爸、妈妈没有太大奢望,能聆听你悦耳的钢琴声,优美的歌声,欣赏你双手持笔写的书法,打一套漂亮的跆拳道,或者是细细端详你一米八三的大个,炯炯有神的大眼睛,俊郎的面容,洁白的牙齿,红润的嘴唇,都是最大的快乐!这一点你都满足不了父母的需求,在这个母亲节到来的日子里,爸妈却忙着准备给你烧五期······ 人们常说,每逢佳节倍思亲,你走了整整的一个月时间了,妈妈又从中午哭到晚上,好想你,好悲伤······这种悲伤何时是个头?瞿铭,好儿子,爸妈求你啦,给爸妈托个梦吧,让爸妈在梦中见见你,妈妈的哭声是那么悲痛、无奈、无助······。 儿子,你用优异的学习成绩,赢得了美国南加州大学的高度评价。以你和吴颖名字设立的“美国南加州大学瞿铭、吴颖纪念奖学金基金会”,在该校史无前例,名垂千古,你为家族争光,为祖国添彩,是一名优秀的中华儿女! 这样优秀的孩子,在即将毕业为国效力的时候,却遭逢不测、客死异国,作为父母和亲人却无处伸冤,愤懑难平,谁能抚平我们巨大的伤痛?谁能为我儿子生命尊严负责?谁能为孩子伸张正义?请帮帮这可怜的孩子吧! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cfd683c8a58da0116d17490e.html