slight的副词形式是什么 slight的副词形式是slightly; slightly: adv.轻微地;稍微;略微;身材瘦小的 扩展资料 They pay slightly more than the going rate. 他们支付的'酬金略高于现行标准。 It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. 是应该把这些安排做得略为正式一点的时候了。 She bought a slightly larger size to allow for shrinkage. 她买了一件尺码稍大的以备缩水。 Each of the houses was slightly different. 每座房子都稍有不同。 You will need to overlap the pieces of wood slightly. 你得使这些木片像鱼鳞片似的搭叠起来。 本文来源: