如何保护树木英语作文 In order to support Beijing to hold the 2021 Olympic Games and protect our environment,an activity was organized by the Young League and Student's Union of our school during the week from June 3rd to June 8th. All the students in the senior grades took active part in it.Some students cleaned the playground,watered the young trees and flowers,and removed weeds.Some students collected waste paper,old books,empty cans and old toys.They had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center. The activity is really instructive.Now we all have realized how important protecting the environment is. Protect Trees Ladies and gentlemen,I want to say something about trees.As we know now trees are very important to human beings.First of all,they benefit our health.They send out oxygen for us to breathe.We can't live without trees.Secondly,trees can beautify our environment. As trees are so important,we must do our best to protect them.We must enforce the tree protection laws.We must plant as many trees as possible.Only in this way can we live happily in the beautiful world. 请保护树木英语作文 女士们,先生们:我想说一些关于树的问题,我们也知道树对于人类来说很重要.首先,树有益于我们的健康.树提供我们呼吸的氧气.没有树我们就不能生存.其次,树可以美化我们生存的环境.由于树这么重要,我们必须尽量保护它们. 我们必须应用法律的武器来保护树木.我们必须尽可能的多种树.只有这样我们才能在这个美丽的世界上幸福快乐的生活 Each year, people burn or cut down 143,000 square kilometers 55,000 square miles of the forest. People who burn or cut down trees do it for different reasons: farmers cut down trees in order to get more fertilize lands to grow rice or vegetables, and use the woods as fuel. Timber companies cut down trees and turn them into furniture or paper productions. As to goal miners, they remove the forests to find out whether there are goal underground. 每一年,人们都会砍伐14.3万平方千米的森林约5.5万平方英里。人们砍伐树木出于种种原因:农民们为了得到更肥沃的空地来种植大米蔬菜,砍下的树木用来取火。木材公司用树木来制作家具或是各类纸制品。至于那些开采煤矿的人,把树木砍掉就是为了检测是否有煤矿在下面。 However, many of us fail to realize that forests are the lungs of the earth. When we cut down trees, we also push ourselves in to a dangerous situation. That is the global warming. When you come to think about it, there are only few ways to solve these negative effects: stop cutting down trees blindly; try to find some clear energy that can replace oil and coal. But these solutions can be impractical to some degreed. 然而,我们中的许多人都没有意识到树木等同于地球的“肺部”。当我们砍伐树木时,我们就把自己推入一个危险的境地——会引起全球气候变暖。想到这些,只有为数不多的几个办法可以解决这个问题:停止盲目地砍伐树木;寻找可以代替石油和煤矿的新能源。但是,就目前来看,这几个策略并不可行。 Why trees can be so important to the whole nature? First of all, trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut down trees, we not only destroy animals’ habitats but also ourselves. We just gradually destroy natural links. The result is that many spices of animals and plants are dying out. Secondly, cutting down trees cause global warming, to some degree. Naturalists compare forest to human’s lungs. The forests absorb the carbon dioxide and other gas that cause global warming, and then give off the oxygen that good for the human beings and other living creatures. It’s refreshed the air as well as reduced the noise. If the air quality is bad, people may die from cancers, or the new diseases for which they have no immunity. Forests also play an important role in the prevention of natural disasters. Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting polar ice caps. That’s to say, the nations which near the ocean may have been flooded by the water. But the forests can prevent water loss and soil erosion, and cool off the global temperatures. It’s the key to keep the balance of the nature. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d01d3b2a9989680203d8ce2f0066f5335b816700.html