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如今正处于炎热的夏天,各种乘凉工具层出不穷,空调已经取代风扇了吗?不,风扇如今变小了在我们手中。今天店铺在这里为大家分享风扇的英语说法,欢迎大家阅读! 风扇英语说法

fan electric fan blower 风扇网络短语

风扇皮带 Fan Belt ; Fast-idle ; belt ; Fan drive belt 风扇尺寸 Fan Dimensions ; CM ; LxWxH ; Fan Demension 鼓风扇 blowing fan ; blower fan ; booster fan ; forced-draft fan

摇头风扇 oscillating fan ; pivoting fan ; piotingfan 风扇盖 Air Shroud

风扇冷却 fan cooling ; fan cooled 动力风扇 power fan 风扇灯 Fan lamp ; Fan lrev

吸气风扇 suction eddy ; suction ventilating fan ; vacuum fan ; suction ventilating fan west bank 风扇的英语例句

1. The large rotating fans whirred continually. 大大的风扇没完没了地嗡嗡转着。

2. The bathroom is ventilated by means of an extractor fan. 这个浴室使用抽风扇通风。 3. The fan was blowing. 风扇正吹着.

4. The car has a fancooled radiator. 这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器.

5. Huge fans will have to cool the concrete floor to keep it below 150 degrees.


6. Overhead, the fan revolved slowly. 风扇在头顶上缓缓地转动着。

7. Detergent use will not eliminate a possible need for exhaust fans and air scrubbers.


8. A synchronous motor can be used to drive a fan through a variable - speed magnetic coupling.


9. The fIashing Iight and fan make the drop seem worse than it is.


10. However usage of egg makes it a little weird for strait - drinks fans.


11. Many fans also can have the different outline design. 许多风扇也可有不同的外框设计.

12. Commercial refrigeration relies on fans to circulate the air within the cabinet.


13. Balloons and free snacks will not win fans. waste of time. 气球和自由快餐不会赢取风扇. 浪费时间.

14. Remove the four fan shroud to core support mounting screws.


15. As temperature off - line, Fan & Alarm start up without skip contract running.
