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2单元 Melting Pot

Immigrants from different countries, races and religions lose or melt away their own cultural identity or become assimilated into the main stream American culture when they arrive on American shores hoping to find freedom, new opportunities, and a better way of life Salad Bowl

The modern American “salad bowl” of cultures is a festival in which each culture can celebrate differences and practice customs from distant lands Much like ingredients in a real salad, each culture keeps its own special “taste” and characteristics while being “mixed up”

3单元 Religions

1. Christianity 2. 2.islam 3. Hinduism 4. Buddhism Christianity 1. Catholic

2. eastern orthodox 3. protest 4. dissenter 两种不同的方式

The Roman Catholic Church consider that the Catholic pope and the priests play the

role of parent to the people in spiritual matters and they granted people forgiveness for sins against God

The Protestants insist that all individuals must stand alone before God If people

sinned, they should seek for their forgiveness directly from God rather than from a priest speaking in God’s name。


. Motivation

The hope of finding great wealth quickly through developing and trading the

colonies’ resources.

(eg Fur trade was in high demand in Europe for the making of beaver hats.) The hope of practicing their religion without government intervention

improving their social position and increasing their political power

pioneers vs government Territory Expansion领土扩张

After US Independence, territory expansion continued actively with the support of the government through war, purchase diplomacy or a combination of them


to Indians Destruction to the nation Geographically

1expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast

expanded the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles emergence of big cities, such as San Francisco, Los Angeles Economically

development of agriculture

laid the foundation for the industrialization of the US reform of transportation


expanded territory and increased population lay a

good foundation for its rise as a global power


Selfreliance and rugged individualism Inventiveness and the CanDo Spirit Equality of Opportunity

Literary works of the Westward Movement

The Pioneers 《拓荒者》1823

A Lost Lady 《迷途的女人》 1923 by Willa Cather



Elementary school High school College

哈佛(Harvard),耶鲁(Yale)宾夕法尼亚大学[1] Penn,普林斯顿(Princeton)成立哥伦比亚(Columbia)布朗(Brown,达特茅斯(Dartmouth,康奈尔(Cornell


American Constitution Separation of Powers

came into effect in 1789

legislative branch Congress

House of Senate (the upper house

House of Representatives the lower house) Powers

1.the Senate has the authority to confirm presidential appointments of high officials as well as ratify all treaties;

2the House has power over revenue bills and brings charges of improper behavior of officials the executive branch President

Vice President Secretary of State Cabinet

judicial branch the Supreme Court

Courts at Different Levels

Bipartisan Politics Democratic Party Republican Party


Colonial Period

Reason and Revolution Period

1. Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack 《穷查理年鉴》The Autobiography


2. Thomas Paine The American Crisis美国危机Rights of Man人的权利

3. Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰斐逊3rd President of the United States美国第三任总

the principal author of Declaration of Independence独立宣言的主要作者 Romantic Age

1Washington Irving A History of New York 《纽约外史》The Sketch Book 《见闻札记》
