A: Well, no one could survive without water, but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. A:如果没有水谁也活不了,但是你看,污染正使越来越多的水没办法供人饮用。 B: Yeah. Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues. B:是啊,长期以来水污染一直都是环境问题中备受关注的。 A: But what are the sources of water pollution? A:但是都有哪些污染源呢? B: They could generally be divided into two categories: direct and indirect contaminant sources. B:可以分为两大类,即直接污染和间接污染。 A: Well, direct ones are the pollution directly from factories, refineries waste treatment plants etc., aren’t they? A:嗯,直接污染是指工厂、冶炼厂、废水处理厂等地方直接排出来的废物,是吧? B: Yeah. They are emitted directly into urban water supplies. B:对,它们不经处理就直接排到城市居民的饮用水源里了。 A: But what about the indirect ones? A:那间接污染是什么呢? B: Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. B:间接污染是从泥土、地下水系统以及通过雨水从大气中进入水源的有害物。 A: I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. A:我知道了,为了我们自身的利益,我们大家都应该积极参与到防止污染的活动中去。 B: Sure. It's an issue asking for everyone's participation. B:就是,这是个人人都应该参与的事情。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d0b50f2d852458fb770b56c0.html