英语周记7800字带翻译:欢乐的美食节 古人云:”民以食为天”。今天,我们五莲县迎来了国际美食节暨青岛糖球会美食品尝活动。听到这个好消息,我和妈妈立刻用飞毛腿的速度向五莲广场奔去。 As the ancients said, “food is the nature of the people.”. Today, Wulian County welcomes the International Food Festival and food tasting activities of Qingdao sugar ball Association. Hearing the good news, my mother and I rushed to Wulian square at the speed of Scud. 还没看到美食呢,就已经闻到了各种各样的香味。我吸了吸鼻子,嗯,有羊肉串、臭豆腐、铁板鱿鱼……放眼望去,美食摊散发出的热气连成一片,弥漫开来,蔚为壮观。 Before I saw the delicious food, I could smell all kinds of fragrance. I took a sniff. Well, there are mutton kebabs, stinky tofu, iron plate squid Looking at it, the hot air from the food stall is continuous, diffuse and spectacular. 道路的左边是羊肉串摊子。只见一个蒙古族大叔随着音乐一边跳舞一边拿起一把羊肉串,把它们分开,放在烧烤架上,熟练地撒上调料,上下翻动。不一会儿,香气就荡漾在空气中。刚做好,一大群食客就围拢上来,喊道:”老板,来几串!” On the left side of the road is the mutton kebab stand. I saw a Mongolian uncle dancing with the music and picking up a bunch of mutton kebabs. He separated them and put them on the barbecue rack. He skillfully sprinkled the seasoning and flipped them up and down. In a short time, the fragrance is rippling in the air. As soon as it was ready, a large group of diners gathered around and shouted, “boss, let's have a few rounds!” 美食节中,我最喜欢的小吃就数铁板鱿鱼了。看着那”吱吱”作响的白中带些微红的烤鱿鱼,我的口水忍不住”飞流直下三千尺”,便缠着妈妈赶紧掏钱。妈妈见我那副馋样,二话不说就给我买了五串。刚刚烤好,我就迫不及待地往嘴里塞,”嗯,咸咸的,肉肉的,这才叫绝世美味呢!”我一边吃一边赞叹着。 At the food festival, my favorite snack is squid. Looking at the “squeaking” white with some reddish squid, my saliva couldn't help “flying down three thousand feet” and pestered my mother to pay. My mother bought me five strings without saying a word. As soon as it's baked, I can't wait to put it in my mouth. “Well, it's salty, it's meat. It's really delicious!” I was eating and admiring. 晶莹剔透的冰糖葫芦,像雪一样白的裹着糖的冰糖山楂,圆圆的糖山药豆,又黑又软的软枣……可谓數不胜数。一提起这些星星般繁多的美食,我就得咽口唾沫,回味良久。这N多美味当中,冰糖葫芦给我留下的印象也不错,咬一口,香、甜、脆的好味道在口中弥漫,久散不去。 Crystal clear ice sugar gourd, snow white sugar coated hawthorn, round sugar yam beans, black and soft soft soft Jujube There are countless. As soon as I mention all these star like delicacies, I have to swallow and salivate for a long time. Among these n delicacies, the ice sugar gourd left a good impression on me. After a bite, the good taste of fragrance, sweetness and crispness permeated my mouth and could not be dispersed for a long time. 我和吃货们穿梭在如林般的地道的美食当中,说笑着,品味着,尽情地享受着美食带来的无限快乐! I and the diners shuttle in the forest like authentic food, joking, tasting and enjoying the infinite happiness brought by the food! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d16a6741a8ea998fcc22bcd126fff705cd175c48.html