
时间:2022-07-29 18:06:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


We had a remarkable sunset one day last November. I was walking in a

meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun at last, just before setting, after a cold gray day, reached a clear

stratum in the horizon, and the softest, brightest morning sunlight fell on the dry grass and on the stems of the trees in the opposite horizon, and on the leaves of the shrub-oaks on the

hill-side, while our shadows stretched long over the meadow eastward, as if we were the only motes in its beams. It was such a light as we could not have imagined a moment before, and the air

also was so warm and serene that nothing wanted to make a paradise of that meadow.

The sun sets on some retired meadow, where no house is visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavishes on cities, and, perchance, as it has never set before, --where there is but a

solitary marsh-hawk to have his wings gilded by it, or only a masques lookout from his cabin, and there is some little black-veined brook in the midst of the marsh, just beginning to meander,

winding slowly round a decaying stump. We walked in so pure and bright a light, gilding the withered grass and leaves, so softly and serenely bright, I thought I had never bathed in such a

golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it.



这样的纯美与熠耀,满目衰草木叶,一片金黄,晃晃之中又是这般柔和恬静,没有一丝涟漪,一息咽呜。我想我从来不曾沐浴于这么幽美的金色光汛之中。 秋天的思绪

Autumn dusk, floating patches of dead leaves. Piece of the falling yellow leaves are always people feel sad and depressed.

Fu Guo Dang Qi autumn slightly leisurely in my mind the layers of memories! Looked forward to, read the. Like an elegant lilies, bursts of fragrance exudes. I know that you want to feel like

your taste. Acacia 1000 speech, did not say tears into beads! Autumn is always reminiscent of the lot. Every autumn since ancient times, sad lonely and Liao, I made autumn Sheng-chun Chao! Who

suddenly forget that this is a poem. Yes ah, every autumn since ancient times, sad lonely Liao! True that I do not want to have the kind of broad reach of the harbor - "I made the spring

towards autumn wins." Maybe I am a sentimental person bar!

Hands on trouser pocket inside, it is so leisurely walk, thoughts fly with. Flew to the clouds, look at Kazamaki云舒, flew to the beach, listening to waves from ebb tide. This is thousands of

miles of the Autumn clouds thousands of miles, panoramic view. Is Zaibu Dong Toryu is PASSING! Akin to finding away, the tears look for flowers, the world is to make autumn, full Hitomi bleak.

I look forward to gently, but you draw down quietly! I waited quietly, but you drifting away in the tree branches!

You come secretly, so that even in red maple leaf, but also to make it more the storm alone. Cecil cool, so charming the sweet-scented osmanthus in autumn withdrew earlier stage. Your arrival

like a beautiful a performance of the first, floating in the earth's heart, floating in a lonely heart, floating in the mind of the Iraqis, floating in the love inside, floating in a farewell,

you floating in the lives of all ri! Choice banging every household of the window lattice, are you tapping into everyone's hearts. Reward human music, fluttering autumn leaf Sasa rain.

Past history behind, life is way far apart? Iraqi tears! He cut through language? Autumn Thoughts Amid the tears are like rain. Always felt the rain, yes I am depressed to worry Tuozhao,

unrestrained flying. If flying between Pipa Qu sleeves, hit the autumn, bringing more trouble and that little episodes, staid state of mind. Spring flowers residual cardiac deficiencies go, how

autumn over vagrant hearts? Desolate Baptist Yin foreign land passengers, pipa-hyun on the full luxuriant desolate.

秋天的黄昏,飘着片片枯叶。片片飘落的黄叶,总是让人感到伤感、忧郁。 秋风微微的扶过荡起我心中悠悠的层层往事!翻阅着、解读着。犹如一朵淡雅的百合花,散发着阵阵清香。我知道那是想你的感觉,想你的味道。相思千言语,未说泪成珠!秋天总是让人想起很多很多。自古逢秋悲寂廖,我言秋日胜春朝!突然忘记这是谁的诗句了。是啊,自古逢秋悲寂廖!我何尝不想有那种阔达的心怀——“我言秋日胜春朝。”或许我就是一个多愁善感的人吧!


你偷偷的降临,使枫叶更加地红了,也使它更加的萧瑟孤独了。丝丝凉凉,让娇美的桂花早些退下了秋的舞台。你的到来如一首幽美的古曲,飘在大地的心里,飘在了孤独者的心里,飘在了伊人的心里,飘在了爱情里,飘在了离别里,你飘在了一切的生命里!雨敲打着每家每户的窗棂,你叩开了每个人的心扉。赏人间曲,飘飘秋叶洒洒雨。 往事不可追,人生路天南地北?伊人泪!划破何语?秋思如雨绵绵涕。总感觉这雨,是驮着我郁郁的愁,潇洒飞扬。如飞天袖间的琵琶曲,袭着秋风,惹出那滴滴点点,静如止水的心境。春心未尽花残去,秋风怎过荡子心?悲凉浸洇他乡客,琵琶炫上满萋凄。

