【推荐下载】漫画图说:我的新年计划(双语)-范文word版 (1页)

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So , here we are & hellip ; A few days into the New Year . It is the time we hear people making plans and think maybe if we do too , it is no harm . Or , feel like must do , or maybe not & hellip ; 额,已经到这个时候了,只有几天就到新年了。这个时候常能听到人们制定新年计划,而我们自己也会觉得即使定个新年计划也没什么坏处。或者,觉得这像个非做不可的事情,或者也不一定& hellip ;& hellip ;

In order to start doing something , making a to - do - list is always better . At least , according to doing nothing & hellip ; Moreover , every year brings about a thoughtful look at the past . As the year comes to an end everybody makes plans to change the deleterious or lazy parts of their lives . Why not start with new year & rsquo ; s resolutions ? " New year & rsquo ; s resolutions depend on a list containing one or more lasting personal goals , projects , or the reforming of a habit ."*

要开始做事之前,先列个清单总是好的。至少,比啥都不做好& hellip ;& hellip ;而且,每年都会想想过去的一年咋过的。这年尾将至,每个人都在制定计划去改变自己不好的或者懒惰的方面,为什么不从新年计划开始做这项事情呢?新年计划要列出一个单子,上面至少写上个人目标、个人计划,或者改掉不良习惯等。 图片旁白:


