get的过去式和过去分词和现在分词是什么 get的过去式:got; get的过去分词:gotten; get的现在分词:getting; got v. 得到,明白(get的过去式和过去分词)。 gotten v. 得到;达到(get的过去分词)。 getting v. 获得;买到;挣得;收到;得到(get 的现在分词)。 扩展资料 例句: The roses have got greenfly. 这些玫瑰花上有蚜虫。 We only got here yesterday. 我们昨天才到这里。 She's got loads of friends. 她有很多朋友。 It hasn't gotten much attention. 它还没引起太多注意。 Brigida, Peter's mother, had gotten up to look at the child. 彼得的`母亲布丽吉特起身 What happens if the piece of sand has gotten stuck in your eye? 如果那粒沙子卡在了你的眼睛里怎么办? Tempers were getting very frayed. 脾气变得暴躁起来。 Keep guessing—you're getting warmer. 接着猜,你离答案越来越近了。 He is getting much too Americanized. 他变得太过于美国化了。 本文来源: