
时间:2023-09-30 19:08:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1、一个人能承担的没必要两个人分享。 A person can take needn't two people share. 2、你我的荣耀,我不希望有人分享,也不允许别人分享。 You are my glory, I don't want anyone to share, also not allowed to share.


To have girlfriends alive to be happy! Best friend is willing to share with you!


Sometimes, happiness is to share, the so-called

translation, is really happy.


All the joy I share with you, all the pain I'm better than you try first.

6、独自看到世间的美景而无人分享,应该是一种遗憾吧? See the beauty of the world alone and no one to share, should be a kind of regret?


Bad thing someone to share will be very happy, no one share of a good thing also pretty boring.

8曾经你是我心里的秘密,现在终于可以和你分享所有的秘密。 Once you are my secret in my heart, now finally can share with you all the secrets.


In the world, to share happiness with you is not love, can share the hard, must be.

10、比起悲伤来说,无法分享快乐这件事,要更加的寂寞吧! Rather than sad, to share the happiness in this matter, to be more lonely!

11、与朋友分享快乐,能与你分享悲伤我便不能只把你当朋友。 Can share the happiness with friends, share sadness with you I will not only bring you as a friend.

12、分享爱,分享时光,分享精彩瞬间。互联网搬运工! Share love, sharing time and share the moment. Internet porter!

13既然是秘密就不能拿出来分享,拿出来分享的就不算是秘密。 Since it's a secret can't share, the share is not a secret.
