
时间:2023-02-24 21:37:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



I want to watch the sunset with you, and only talk about breeze and sunset. 二、记得给自己的开心充值别让它停机了。 Remember to give it to yourself 三、记得去爱一个未来有你的人。

Remember to love someone who has you in the future. 四、让自己变优秀是件不会错的事。 It can't be wrong to make yourself better. 五、一个细胞可以释放200%的压力。 A cell can release 200% pressure


From now on, your weight will plummet, your height will gradually rise, all the acne on your face will disappear, the peach blossoms will explode, and you will have more money to spend, and your grades will soar. 七、留在身边的人才是最重要的。

People who stay with us are the most important. 八、很庆幸你的温柔我曾是受益者。 I'm glad you're gentle. I was a beneficiary.


Subconscious thinking and gentle language are the most touching.


Don't be depressed. If you look up, you can see the strawberry sunset. If you go on like this, you may bump into the vast future


Never regret the road you have chosen, whether a few years ago or now, because the only thing you can do is to stick to it without hesitation

十二、最难过的就是不知道自己在烦什么,无缘无故的就负能量爆棚。 The saddest thing is that I don't know what I'm upset about, and I burst into negative energy for no reason.

十三、人间 烟火气最抚凡人心。

People ask fireworks to caress the hearts of ordinary people. 十四、也曾为你,像超人,像诗人。 Also for you, like Superman, like a poet. 十五、遍地都是月光,可月亮就一个。

Moonlight is everywhere, but there is only one moon. 十六、已是人海孤鸿,你是清晨朝暮。 It's a sea of people. You're the morning and dusk 十七、陪伴是这个世界上最了不起的安慰。 Companionship is the greatest comfort in the world. 十八、借一点干净的阳光让我怦然心动。

Borrowing a little clean sunshine makes my heart beat.
