青春之歌英语作文 青春之歌英语作文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是小编为大家收集的青春之歌英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! 青春是美丽的风景线,有的人匆匆溜过,一无所获,到老了总是后悔莫及!有的人却欣赏到了那只属于他的精彩,令人神往,到老了总是回味无穷!这是两种截然不同的人,是否也给我们带来一丝感慨? Youth is a beautiful scenery. Some people slip by in a hurry and get nothing. They are always regretful when they get old! Some people appreciate that only belongs to his wonderful, fascinating, to the old always aftertaste! These are two different kinds of people. Do they bring us a little emotion? 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! 因为青春充满活力!我们总是孜孜不倦地遨游在知识的海洋中,不会累,因为我们是富有生命力的小草,坚韧不拔!瞧,志愿者服务队中,总有我们的'身影,为孤老服务,当小交通员……我们忙得不亦乐乎,虽然有珍珠般的汗淌了下来,但那是珍珠啊,多么珍贵!我们要把我们的活力注入整个社会中! Because youth is full of vitality! We are always tireless in the sea of knowledge, not tired, because we are full of vitality grass, perseverance! Look, we are always in the volunteer service team, serving the elderly and serving as a small traffic officer We are very busy. Although there is Pearl like sweat, it is pearl. How precious it is! We want to inject our vitality into the whole society! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! 因为青春充满智慧!遇到了难题,我们总会迎刃而解,所谓“自古英雄出少年”,我们当然要好好表现一番!在各项竞技场中,我们“初生牛犊不怕虎”!勇摘桂冠,那全是靠我们的智慧和奋斗!在科技发明方面,我们也当仁不让,我们细心地联系生活,结合实际,大胆地创造出了一个又一个令成人叹为观止的发明!谁说我们是小孩,我们人小志气大!我们要把智慧播散到社会的各个角落中去! Because youth is full of wisdom! When we encounter difficulties, we will always be able to solve them. The so-called "heroes come out of Youth since ancient times", of course, we should give a good performance! In various arenas, we are "not afraid of tigers for newborn calves"! Bravely picking the laurel, it all depends on our wisdom and struggle! In terms of scientific and technological inventions, we should not let it go. We have carefully linked our lives, combined with reality, and boldly created one after another amazing inventions for adults! Who says we are children? We have small aspirations! We should spread wisdom to every corner of the society! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! 因为青春并不会太长!昙花一现是短暂的,可谁能说它不美呢?正是因为它的短暂,带给人无限留恋!可是昙花一现可有无数次,每个人的青春只有一次,何不牢牢把握它呢? Because youth is not too long! A flash in the pan is short, but who can say it's not beautiful? It's just because it's short and brings people infinite nostalgia! But there are countless short-lived, everyone's youth only once, why not firmly grasp it? 让我们一起高声歌唱:青春是美丽的! Let's sing loudly together: youth is beautiful! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d4d5854adeccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473268fd70.html