英语课前三分钟小故事 英语故事因其具有可理解性、趣味性和足够的语言输入量被认为符合学前儿童学习语言的特点,从而成为幼儿教师在英语教学过程中采用频率较高的一种教学手段。小编精心收集了英语课前三分钟小故事,供大家欣赏学习! 英语课前三分钟小故事篇1 漫无边际的菜单 A man dirning with a friend explained the peculiarities of the restaurant they were in:"The waiters never admit they don't have something. They'll take your order. for a slice of sun and too away as if they mean to get it...then they'll come back and say they just ran out.” 一位和朋友吃饭的男士解释他们在饭馆里吃饭的怪现象时说:“服务员从未承认过他们没有什么莱。假如你想要一份太阳,他们也会拿着菜单离去,好像真能给你弄来似的。然后,他们回来说这道菜刚卖完。”为了证明这一点,我说:“请来一份恐龙。” To prove his point,he said to the waiter,“The dinosaur,please.” “好的,先生,”服务员回答说:“您要的恐龙是做得嫩点还是老点儿的?” “Yes,sir,“answered the waiter.”And how would you like it cooked?" “老点儿的。” "Well done!" 服务员离开了,又很快回来了。“对不起,先生,我们的恐龙菜刚卖完。” The waiter left and returned quickly.“I'm sorry, sir,but we've just run out of a dinosaur.” “什么?”顾客气愤地说:“没有恐龙?” " What?" said the diner with feigned disappointment."No dinosaur?" 那服务员低声地说:“我们的确还剩一些。”他显得作常自信的样子。“但恐龙肉有点儿不太鲜了,所以我们还是不给您上这道菜的好。” The waiter lowered his voice. "Well,we do have some left,“he whispered confidentially,"...but it's not very fresh and I won't serve it!” 英语课前三分钟小故事篇2 实情 The swimsuit issue of a magazine that displayed a model wearing a skimpy bikini on its cover was occupying the attension of a wide-eyed man. Disturbed,his wife said,"That's shameful!If I looked like that I wouldn't leave my house!” 有个男人出神地盯着一本杂志的封面。那上面是一位穿着紧身比基尼泳装的女郎。他的妻子很生气,说:“真不像话,如果我穿的像她一样,我绝不出家门。” "To tell you the truth," the husband replied,"if you looked like that neither would I." “说句实话,”那男人说,“如果你像她那样,我也不会出家门的。” 英语课前三分钟小故事篇3 轻而易举 Stepping from my kitchen into the garage, I accidentally locked myself out of the house. When I tried to persuade my 18-month-old son,Taylor, to open the door, none of my tactics worked. Finally,I walked around the house to check for an open window. To my amazement,I found the front door open and Taylor standing there with a salesman. 出了厨房我便走进了车库,不留神把门锁给撞上了,把我自己锁 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d5292e0fbe64783e0912a21614791711cc7979e0.html