
时间:2023-10-03 23:02:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

第一天入职英语是:First day entry 例句


It was my first day on board. I met many new colleagues and they all seem to be pretty nice. 重点词汇 entry

[ˈentrɪ] ['ɛntri]

n. 进入;入口;条目;登记;报关手续;对土地的侵占 短语

entry card 入境卡 头道梳毛机 登记卡 entry work 入水技术 进水技能

entry ramp 入口斜路 入口坡道 进口斜路

entry 的同近义词 1threshold

['θreʃəʊld 'θreʃhəʊld] ['θrɛʃhold] n. 入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值 短语

Threshold Effect 识阈效应 门槛效应 阈值效应 [电子] 阈效应 academic threshold 学历门槛 学历门坎

discrimination threshold 鉴别力阈 鉴别力阀 鉴别阈 甄别阈 2access

['ækses] ['æksɛs] vt. 使用;存取;接近 n. 进入;使用权;通路 短语

internet access 网路存取 互联网接入 网际网路 互联网接入方式 Leased access 租赁使用时段

Access Method [] 存取方法 [] 访问方法 访问方式


My dear colleagues:Nice to meet you all! I feel very honored to be part of this team. My name is

, from. Hopefully I can be taken care at the very beginning. Well, i am rookie here, in other words, i need to learn form you in terms of everything, so i really hope you can give a helping hand to me whenever possible. In the meanwhile, i really like to make friends with all of you! Let's work together, and make progress together. Lastly, i'd like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a happy and healthy life. Thank you!


Dear all,

Nice to meet you all and any suggestion is appreciated. Warm regards,



Dear all:

My name is ***,and today is my first working day in **COMPANY,my position is ****and respinsible for**(介绍一下你的职位,职责)

Have a nice day! Best regards. position **dept. tel:*** ext:** email address:****



It's the first day of school once again. Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a student. Being a student is not just about attending classes and showing up during examinations. I'm here to be empowered. To gain knowledge is all about empowerment. And wish that someday, I could use that knowledge to make a significant contribution to the society.

