
时间:2022-03-19 06:58:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

agree with sb = be in favour of= on ones side 同意某人的意见3

apologize to sb for sth= say sorry to sb for sth 为某事向某人道歉 2 arrive at/ in a place= reach sp = get to sp 到达某地3 too/ also=. as well= as well as 也,还,和3

at once = immediately= right now= right away 立即,马山4 at present = for the time being 现在,目前2

be able to = Its possible to do = sb can 能够做……3 be bad for= be harmful to = do harm to 对什么有害3

be fond of = be keen on= be interested in= show interest in 喜欢做……,对……感兴趣4

10. be full of= be crowded with= be filled with 充满,挤满3 11. be good at = do well in 擅长2

12. be made up of = consist of 由……组成2

13. be pleased with = be satisfied with 对……满意2

14. be responsible for= take charge of= be in charge of 负责,掌管3 15. belong to = own= is sbs 属于……3

16. break down = go wrong = be wrong = be dead 损坏,出故障4 17. break into = get inby force 闯入2 18. by oneself= on ones own 亲自2

19. care for= look after= take care of 照顾照看3 20. realize = come true 实现2

21. complain about= make a complaint about 抱怨投诉2 22. deal with= solve= work out 处理解决3 23. depend on= rely on 依靠依赖2

24. do sb a favour= give sb a hand= help sb 助某人一臂之力3 25. each other = one another 互相,彼此2

26. enjoy oneself= have a good/great/ nice /wonderful time 过得愉快2 27. complete= fill in 填充,填写2

28. for free= without money= pay nothing 免费3 29. sometimes= from time to time 不时,有时2 30. get tired of = hate doing 厌烦,讨厌……2 31. give up = stop doing 放弃,停止2 32. go in for= take up 开始从事,参加2 33. go on doing = continue doing 继续做……2 34. review= go over 复习2

35. have no idea= dont know= know nothing 不知道3 36. hear from= receive a letter from 收到来信2 37. everywhere= here and there 处处,到处2 38. altogether= in all 总共2

39. over fifty= in ones fifties 在某人的五十几岁2 40. sb think= in ones opinion 在某人看来2

41. in order to do = so as to do= so that接句子 为了…… 3



42. instead of= take the place of 代替,取代2 43. die= lose ones life 死、失去生命2

44. be angry with sb = lose temper 生气,发火2

45. make a decision to do= make up ones mind to do= decide to do 下决心去做……3

46. make fun of = play a trick/tricks on sb 取笑捉弄某人2 47. prevent… from = stop from 阻止……2 48. stand for= refer to 代表、指的是2

49. stay up= do sth until very late/ midnight 熬夜2 50. consider= think over 仔细考虑2

51. do sth very carefully= do sth with great care 非常小心的做某事2

52. would rather do sth = like doing sth better than doing sth= prefer doing to doing 宁愿做,和……相比更喜欢做……3 53. see off = say goodbye at sp 送行2

54. be independent= depend/ rely on oneself 独立,靠自己3

