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cook作名词的意思: 厨师;厨子

cook作动词的意思: 烹调;编造;篡改;密谋 cook英语音标: [kuk] [kʊk] cook的时态: 现在分词: cooking 过去式: cooked 过去分词: cooked cook英语例句:

1. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages.


2. He said that what they were up to would cook Krasky's goose.

他说他们暗中进行的阴谋可能会使克拉斯基的计划流产。 3. Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned. 将洋葱放入平底锅内,炒至略呈棕色。

4. As the egg whites cook, they coagulate and rise to the surface.


5. Let this cook on low for another 1 hr 15 mins. 用小火再煮1小时15分钟。

6. Cook the sauce over a low heat until it boils and thickens.


7. "I'm sure I don't know." Cook tossed her head. “我确信我不知道。”库克一甩头说。

8. Rose was a poor cook and a worse mother. 罗丝不太会做饭,更不会当母亲。

9. The name came unbidden to Cook's mind Ashley Stoker. 库克的脑海里不由自主地闪现出一个名字——阿什利·斯托克。 10. The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name. 库克叫这只狗的名字时,它的耳朵就会稍稍耷拉一下。 11. A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips. 厨师的薄唇一弯,露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。

12. Mr Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday. 库克先生打算周五去中东。

13. Add the prawns and squid and cook for 2 minutes. 放入对虾和鱿鱼,烹炒2分钟。

14. I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.


15. The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris. 库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。

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