小心翼翼的反义词是什么 善于运用反义词,能使人们更好地表达客观事物对立与统一的法则,揭示客观世界中的各种矛盾,能增强语言的精确性、鲜明性和生动性。新学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,现店铺精心整理了一些关于小心翼翼的反义词,希望可以帮助你提高语文知识的积累! 小心翼翼 相关的反义词: 胆大妄为 中文解释: 【解释】:翼翼:严肃谨慎。本是严肃恭敬的意思。现形容谨慎小心,一点不敢疏忽。 【出自】:《诗经·大雅·大明》:“维此文王,小心翼翼。” 【示例】:母亲~地起床做饭,心里欣喜地想,让儿子多睡一会,不要惊醒他。 ◎冯德英《迎春花》第二章 英文解释 with great [utmost;sedulous] care;be very scrupulous;be watchful and reverent;gingerliness ; 例句 如果你小心翼翼地以随意的方式提出这件事、同时不要说出过多会使人觉得不舒服的细节,这或许还可以接受。 It can be acceptable if you're careful to bring it up in a casual way, and without so much detail that it makes someoneuncomfortable. 舒尔茨表示理解中国消费者的敏感度很重要,这个市场还在发展阶段,所以必须处处小心翼翼。 Schultz says it's important to understand the sensibility of chinese consumers and try carefully in the still developing market. 中国小心翼翼地稍稍打开了几扇窗户,但从未真正敞开大门。 China has gingerly opened a few windows at the margin, but it has never seriously opened the doors. 就连那些怀疑一切的对冲基金管理人,也都小心翼翼地加入进来了。 Even hedge fund managers, those skeptical souls, have cautiously joined in. 中国文职领导人小心翼翼地避免在引发公众强烈反响的中日领土问题上表现得软弱,特别是在预计未来几个月内北京将开始10年一次的领导人换届这一敏感时刻。 Chinese civilian leaders are wary of appearing weak on territorial issues with tokyo that have an intense resonance with the public,especially as the sensitive once-a-decade leadership change is expected to begin in beijing in coming months. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d7839b29a02d7375a417866fb84ae45c3b35c290.html