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i的同音词是eye,音标为[a?]。短语:eyes and ears,耳目。例句:Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。 i的同音词: eye [a?] [a?]

n. 眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点 vt. 注视,看 短语:

in the eyes of 在心目中;从来看 to the eye adv. 从表面上看来;公然

an eye for 对很有兴趣,对有很深的爱好;对有敏锐的鉴赏力;能欣赏;能判断

all eyes 目不转睛;众目睽睽;聚精会神地看 eyes and ears 耳目 例句:

1.She viewed the findings with a critical eye. 她以批评的眼光看待这些研究结果。


2.Eye colour shows more than your genetic inheritance. 眼睛的颜色显示的不只是你基因的遗传特征。 3.The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye. 她摔了一跤,眼睛上方起了一个包,挺疼的。

4.He first learned to fish under the watchful eye of his grandmother. 他最初在祖母留心的眼光下学习钓鱼。 5.I had a piece of grit in my eye. 我眼睛里进了一粒沙子。

6.She looked at me squarely in the eye. 她直直地看着我的眼睛。

7.Connie had a sharp eye for the absurd. 康妮对荒谬之事有敏锐的眼光。

8.Images are projected onto the retina of the eye. 影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。

9.Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand. 做这样精细的工作,眼要尖,手要稳。

10.They cross their fingers and spit over their shoulders as charms against the evil eye.

他们交叉手指,往肩后吐口水,以此作为对抗凶眼的符咒。 11.The film has a painterly eye.

