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白天鹅的英语说法: white swan

白天鹅相关英语表达: 白天鹅壁纸 Swan Wallpaper 白天鹅旅馆 Swan Inn

白天鹅奶糖 White Swan candy 白天鹅翅 white swan wing 白天鹅的英语例句:

1. They billeted in White Swan Hotel. 他们在白天鹅旅社住下了.

2. My dear " duckling ", do you still embed in mind the dream of " white swan "?

亲爱的 “ 小鸭子 ”, 还在做 “ 白天鹅 ” 的梦 ?

3. Sitting at the lake side, watching white swans landing and taking off.

坐在幽静的湖边, 看着白天鹅飞起又飘然降落湖面,我心中没有一丝的内疚.

4. There is a further mirroring of the White Swan and Pelican stages.


5. The White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou can't be matched for friendliness.


6. Since 1990 s, we can see swans come to Summer Palace every year.

据了解,20世纪90年代初开始, 在颐和园每年都能看见“落脚”的白天鹅.

7. The white swan is a symbol of pure love. 白天鹅可以象征纯洁的爱情.

8. The white swans were oaring their way with rosy feet. 白天鹅划着红色的蹼掌向前游去.

9. The ugly little duckling maybe grows into a white goose. 丑小鸭可能会变成白天鹅. 10. He saw a white swan. 他看见了一只白天鹅.

11. The swan is mostly silent through its life. 白天鹅一生极少鸣叫.

12. Pig: A white swan? Where is she from? 小猪: 一只白天鹅? 她从哪里来?

13. Thousands of swans which flied here to get through the winter enjoy sunshine after snowfall.


14. Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful advancing towards him from a thicket.


15. The eminence of White Swan comes out of the growth of each individual.


白天鹅用英语怎么说 白天鹅,学名大天鹅,别名黄嘴天鹅,隶属脊椎动物门雁行目鸭科雁亚科天鹅属,是国家二级保护动物,全球易危物种。那么你知道白天鹅用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着店铺一起来学习一下吧。 白天鹅的英语说法: white swan 白天鹅相关英语 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式
