Unit 5 Dinner’s ready (晚餐准备好了)

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Unit 5 Dinner’s ready (晚餐准备好了)


I’m hungry.我饿了 What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么

2What would you like?你想要吃什么呢?

I’d like some soup and breadplease. 我想喝些汤和吃些牛肉。

OKhere you are.好的,给你。

3Would you like some beef? 你想吃些牛肉吗? Yes, please.是的,请来一些吧(肯定答复) Nothanks. 了,谢谢。 4What would you like for dinnerbreakfast/lunch?

晚餐(早餐、中餐)你想要吃什么呢? I’d like some rice and soup, please. 我想吃些米饭和喝些汤。

5Here are today’s specials.这是今天的特色菜。 7Dinner’s ready. 晚饭准备好了。 Help yourself.请随便吃。 Thanks. 谢谢

8I can use chopsticks.用筷子。 Use the spoon. 勺子。 9Pass me the chopsticks please.递给我筷子。

Pass me a bowl.递给我一个碗。

0Can I have a knife and forkplease


Yesbut try chopsticks for noodles. 可以,但是尝试一下用筷子来吃面条。

Cut the vegetables. 切菜。

Now let’s try it. 现在让我们来尝一尝吧!
