恭喜的英语怎么说 一、英语:congratulate; 二、双语例句: 1 恭喜,你生了个健康的男孩。 Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy. 2 恭喜你和你的新的家庭! Congrats to you and your new family! 3 恭喜你通过了考试! You passed the test. Congratulations! 4 恭喜你高升了! Congratulations on your promotion! 5 如果你做了这一步,恭喜! If you have made it this far, congratulations! 6 我现在是总经理了!&恭喜你! I'm the general manager now!& congratulations! 7 恭喜你们结婚了。我等着说这句话已经有好多年了。 Congratulations on your marriage. I have waited for years to say this sentence. 8 恭喜你,你获得了一个会想念你的读者。 Congratulations, you have a reader that would miss you if you were gone. 9 恭喜,你现在有一个新的公寓了。 Congratulations, you now have a new apartment! 10 听说你赢了比赛,恭喜恭喜! I heard that you won the game. congratulations! 11 我听说你结婚了!恭喜恭喜! I heard you tied the knot! Congratulations! 12 罗彻斯特:恭喜我吧,老板,我钩到了一个。 Rochester: Congratulate me, boss, I hooked one. 13 恭喜你,你真是太完美了。 Congratulations, you were amazing. 14 我听说你儿子大学毕业了,真是恭喜! I hear that your son's graduated from university. congratulations! 15 恭喜!您已经设置好XAMPP上的一个应用程序了。 Congratulations! You have set up an application on XAMPP. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d9bbcc22ff4ffe4733687e21af45b307e971f95f.html